P3 , P5 and Senna Pods
Mahadev corporation is the country's oldest and most trusted name in the field of henna, henna products and herbal cosmetics. Today, we boast of the fact that mahadev corporation is the country's only henna company, which is recognized by the government of india as a 100% export oriented unit (eou) . We have been exporting our products to more than 20 countries worldwide and our product portfolio includes henna, herbal henna, indigo, herbal black and brown henna, black henna, brown henna, red henna. Bale pkg.
Business Type Manufacturer, Exporter, Supplier Cultivation Type Organic Shelf Life 3Months Feature Aromatic Fragrance, Good Flavour Product Details Part Leaf Used For Acute constipation Place of Origin India Senna is a large genus of flowering plants and belongs to the Caesalpinioideae family. This diverse genus is extensively found in the tropics. Its leaves and Pods are being used as medicines since a long time. The large number of uses of Senna make it a very popular plant among the masses across the globe. Demanded For : Anti-oxidant property Antibacterial property Purity Excellent medicinal properties
Senna pods are the dried fruits of cassia acutifolia, the pods are black or brown or greenish-brown in colour, broadly oblong, very flat legumes, curved and rounded at each extremity. They vary from 3 to 6 centimetres in length and from 2 to 2.5 centimetres in width, and contain several flat, obovate-cuneate seeds. Senna pods are milder in their effects than the leaflets, as the griping is largely due to the resin, and the pods contain none, but have about 25 per cent more cathartie acid and emodin than the leaves, without volatile oil. Parts used: Dried leaves, pods and senna stem. Constituents: Senna contains hydroxyanthracene glycosides known as sennosides. These glycosides stimulate colon activity and thus have a laxative effect. Senna pods contain many anthraquinone compounds, including dianthrone glycosides, which make up 1.5 to 3 percent of the herb. Senna pods is a strong anthraquione containing purgative that is used only in acute constipation.. Action
Senna pods are the dried fruits of cassia acutifolia, the pods are black or brown or greenish-brown in colour, broadly oblong, very flat legumes, curved and rounded at each extremity. They vary from 3 to 6 centimetres in length and from 2 to 2.5 centimetres in width, and contain several flat, obovate-cuneate seeds. Senna pods are milder in their effects than the leaflets, as the griping is largely due to the resin, and the pods contain none, but have about 25 per cent more cathartie acid and emodin than the leaves, without volatile oil. Parts used: Dried leaves, pods and senna stem. Constituents: Senna contains hydroxyanthracene glycosides known as sennosides. These glycosides stimulate colon activity and thus have a laxative effect. Senna pods contain many anthraquinone compounds, including dianthrone glycosides, which make up 1.5 to 3 percent of the herb. Senna pods is a strong anthraquione containing purgative that is used only in acute constipation.. Action
Senna leaves is grown from seed and requires plenty of sun. The plant is a small perennial shrub, growing from 5 to 8 meters in height with a straight woody stem and clusters of flowers that resemble candles, eventually turning into seed pods. The senna leaves have a stronger action than the senna pods. The part of this plant used medicinally valuable and its a safe and effective medicinal plant used widely throughout the world. Constituents: Senna contains hydroxyanthracene glycosides known as sennosides. These glycosides stimulate colon activity and thus have a laxative effect. Senna leaves contain many anthraquinone compounds, including dianthrone glycosides, which make up 1. 5 to 3 percent of the herb. Senna leaves is a strong anthraquione containing purgative that is used only in acute constipation. Uses: In india ayurvedic medicine, senna is used for constipation and also for skin problems, jaundice, bronchitis, liver disease, splenomegaly, typhoid fever and anemia. Tablets are the most commonly taken for constipation. An infusion is combined with fresh ginger and cloves and used for mild constipation. Tinctures are used by herbalists for short-term constipation. The world health organization (who) approves senna leaves for short-term use in occasional constipation (who, 1999) . Senna is considered a cleansing herb because of its cathartic effect and has been used as a natural laxative for centuries.
Senna leaves is grown from seed and requires plenty of sun. The plant is a small perennial shrub, growing from 5 to 8 meters in height with a straight woody stem and clusters of flowers that resemble candles, eventually turning into seed pods. The senna leaves have a stronger action than the senna pods. The part of this plant used medicinally valuable and its a safe and effective medicinal plant used widely throughout the world. Constituents: Senna contains hydroxyanthracene glycosides known as sennosides. These glycosides stimulate colon activity and thus have a laxative effect. Senna leaves contain many anthraquinone compounds, including dianthrone glycosides, which make up 1. 5 to 3 percent of the herb. Senna leaves is a strong anthraquione containing purgative that is used only in acute constipation. Uses: In india ayurvedic medicine, senna is used for constipation and also for skin problems, jaundice, bronchitis, liver disease, splenomegaly, typhoid fever and anemia. Tablets are the most commonly taken for constipation. An infusion is combined with fresh ginger and cloves and used for mild constipation. Tinctures are used by herbalists for short-term constipation. The world health organization (who) approves senna leaves for short-term use in occasional constipation (who, 1999) . Senna is considered a cleansing herb because of its cathartic effect and has been used as a natural laxative for centuries.
Senna Dry Leaves
Senna Leaves P II Senna Leaves P III Senna Leaves P V Senna T-Cut Senna Powder (Any mesh size of your choice) Senna Pods Senna Mix Certified Organic Senna
Cassia angustifolia (senna)
Senna leave and senna pod.Clearing agent and transportation
We have acquired enormous experience in supplying of Senna Pods that are majorly used in pharmaceutical industry
We have acquired enormous experience in supplying of Senna Pods that are majorly used in pharmaceutical industry.
Senna Pods Calcium Sennoside: A Comprehensive Overview Understanding Senna Pods: Benefits, Uses, and Precautions Senna pods are derived from the Senna plant, scientifically known as Senna alexandrina, which is native to tropical regions. This plant has been utilized for centuries in traditional medicine for its powerful laxative properties. The pods, in particular, contain natural compounds called anthraquinones, which are primarily responsible for their medicinal effects. Here, we explore the benefits, uses, and precautions associated with senna pods.
Senna Pods
Senna Pods
Senna pods Botanical Name Cassia senna L. Scientific Name (s) Cassia acutifolia Delile, syn. with Cassia senna L. Also includes references to C. angustifolia Vahl. Family: Fabaceae (beans). History Senna appears to have been used since the ninth or tenth century, its introduction into medicine being due to the Arabian physicians, who used both the leaves and the pods. It was formerly exported through Alexandria, from where the name of the Sudanese drug is derived. Definition The plant has a pale green stem with long spreading branches. The sweetish taste of the leaves distinguish Senna from the Argel leaves. It has small yellow flowers and oblong pods about 2 inches long and 7 to 8 inches broad. Description It is also called Nubian Senna or Alexandrian Senna or even Khartoum Senna. It grows in parts of Sudan and in some Arabian countries. The best senna is distinguished by a bright yellowish-green color of the leaves with a faint odor resembling the smell of green tea and a bittersweet taste Cultivation Senna is usually found in wild, but they have been extensively cultivated recently. It grows in September after the autumn rains and in April. Constituents Senna contains a family of hydroxyanthrancene glycosides, the most plentiful of which are sennosides A and B. There are also anthraquinone derivatives and their glucosides which are responsible for its purgative effects. There are also small amounts of aloe-emodin and rhein 8-glucosides, mucilage, flavonoids, and naphthalene precursors. Uses It is known for increasing the movement of the colon by increasing the functions of the intestinal wall. It is also a remedy for hemorrhoids, alimentary canal and prolapus. Similarly, both leaves and pods of the plant are used to cure breathing problems. An infusion of the pods is used as an effective way to suppress fever and to stop chronic nosebleeds. An infusion of the leaves is consumed to stop spasms or convulsions. The roots of the plant are consumed with milk to treat malaria. Medicinal Uses 1. Uses supported by clinical data: Short-term use in occasional constipation. 2. Uses described in pharmacopoeias and in traditional systems of medicine: None. 3. Uses described in folk medicine, not supported by experimental or clinical data: As an expectorant, a wound dressing, an antidysentric, and a carminative agent; and for the treatment of gonorrhea, skin diseases, dyspepsia, fever and hemorrhoids
Natural dried Senna leaves
We have garnered acclaim as the Manufacturer, Exporter and Supplier of Bulk Senna Leaves from Rajasthan, India