Solen Biscolata Nirvana Minis Hazelnut 117 Gr
Eti Milk Chocolate Coated Wafer
ROLETTINI WAFER BARS Crispy wafer bars filled with different creams: * Hazelnut Cream * Milk Chocolate Cream Real gourmet delicacies harmonize with the crunchy wafer. Due to their individual cello packaging can be served on airplanes, or tea houses, coffee bars, in vending machines, etc. Weight: 45 g
Oreo wafer roll 54gr x 20 boxes/ carton Flavors: Vanilla and Chocolate
Merry Cream Filled Wafer consist of 3 flavors: Chocolate, Orange, Raspberry Packing: 90g x 24 trays/carton
Astor Wafer Stick Chocolate, Strawberry, Cookies and cream . Available in Tin. Shelf Life = 18 Months. Language in Packaging = English, Bahasa Indonesia. Port of Loading: Surabaya, Indonesia. Note: We could paste sticker on each pack should there is any additional information needed (importer name, information in other language, etc)
Tin Tin IPOP Wafer Stick Strawberry 380 gr
Tin Tin IPOP Wafer Stick C&C 380 gr
SPESIFIKASI PRODUK Raw Material :Daging (Sapi) - Berat per pack : 90 Gram/pack - Isi kemasan : 100 Pack/Karton atau 200 Pack/Peti - Masa simpan (self life) 1 tahun - Varian Rasa : Manis - Varian Jenis : Sapi REKOMENDASI PENGGUNAAN Sangat cocok digunakan untuk industri retail, supermarket, minimarket, grosir, agen sembako, toko kelontong dan usaha pasar. Kelebihan ABON SAPI RATU adalah brand image yang kuat di masyarakat, disukai oleh penggemar abon dan sangat laku. ABON SAPI RATU terbuat dari daging sapi murni dan bumbu yang terpilih. Sangat dianjurkan untuk lauk pauk dan lezat sekali dimakan dengan roti. Bila anda sekeluarga bertamasya jangan lupa bawa ABON SAPI RATU semua pasti menyukainya. ABON SAPI RATU is prepared from exelent fresh beef and specific ingredients. It give your meals more flavour and makes your sandwiches more delicious. Take a package or two on your trip or picnic, the whole family will like it. facebook Indonetwork Wiki Dmoz Produk Sekelas: Abon Sapi cap SR Super Writen By: Saudaraku Abon Sapi, Ayam dan Bawang Goreng Updated at : 22.19 Harga Abon Sapi lebih murah? Abon sapi dan abon ayam, memang dalam proses pembuatanya di pabrik abon melalui tahapan proses yang hampir sama. Lalu mengapa harga abon ayam cenderung lebih mahal dibanding abon sapi? Padahal kita tahu harga daging ayam lebih murah dibandingkan harga daging sapi. Memang tidak semua abon sapi lebih murah, tetapi kita bisa menjumpai abon sapi yang murah di pasaran, tetapi sulit kita jumpai abon ayam dengan harga yang relatif murah. Untuk diketahui bersama, bahwa dalam pembuatan abon sapi (terutama dalam skala pabrikan), kebanyakan menggunakan bahan campuran berupa kacang koro. Sedangkan untuk pembuatan abon, relatif sulit untuk ditambahkan bahan campuran tersebut. Adanya bahan tambahan (kacang koro) tersebut yang membuat harga abon sapi sangat bervariasi, tergantung komposisi atau prosentase bahan campuran yang ditambahkan. Semakin banyak bahan campuranya, maka harga abon akan semakin murah.
Fullo s crunchy wafer stick FULL of indulgent cream that will bring smile to your face and fulfill your day with happiness. Available in 4 variants: Chocolate, Vanilla, Choco Strawberry, and Choco Vanilla. Product is original from Indonesia which have ISO 22000 and Halal Certificate.
Fullo Blasto is five sensations combination of caramel, wafer stick, chocolate cream, rice crispy, and a rich chocolate coating. Available variant: chocolate Available in 2 sizes: 80gr and 270gr Product is original from Indonesia which have ISO 22000 and Halal Certificate.
Made of high-performance polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) material, it has excellent chemical inertness, high temperature resistance, low friction coefficient and excellent electrical performance. This wafer box is particularly suitable for wafer etching and transportation that requires a highly clean, low-pollution environment. Mobile: +86-153 6614 0844 Wechat/Whatsapp: +86-153 6614 0844 Mail:
Made of high-performance perfluoroalkoxy polymer (PFA), it exhibits excellent chemical stability, high temperature resistance, and low friction coefficient, suitable for various harsh chemical environments.
Waferello Wafer Ball with Almond Filling and Coconut chunks coated, We have 4 different Varieties and Flavours. Almond, Hazelnut, Strawberry, Pistachio
Product Name : TOP CHOCOLATE WAFER Origin: Indonesia Variant : Black White Choco Straw Triple Choc Net Weight : [360x9g] [144x16g]
Product Name : Cho Cho Radja Wafer Stick Origin : Indonesia Net Weight : 750 gram x 6 Jar Variant : Chocolate More Further Information Please Contact Us We Specialized In Mix Container
Product Name : Superstar Chocolate Wafer Origin : Indonesia Variant : Chocolate Flavor Net Weight : 12 BOX X 12 PCS x 18 gram We Specialized in Mix Container More Further Information Please Contact Us
Product Name : Eterna Wafer Stick Origin : Indonesia Net Weight : 350 gram x 12 Tin Variant : Chocolate Cappucino Strawberry Vanilla More Further Information Please Contact Us We Specialized In Mix Container
Product Name : Nabati Chocolate Coated Wafer Net Weight : 18 gram Variant : chocolate More Further Information Please Contact us We Specialized in Mix Container
Balaji wafer products like Potato Wafers, Namkeen & many more products of Balaji Group.