Garlic : Garlic nutrient-rich: every 100 grams of water containing 69.8 grams, 4.4 grams of protein, 0.2 grams of fat, carbon garlic Garlic (22 sheets) Water compound 23.6 grams, calcium 5 mg, phosphorus 44 mg, iron 0.4 mg, vitamin C3 mg. In addition, also contains thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, allicin, citral and selenium and germanium and other trace elements. Containing about 0.2% volatile oil, the main ingredient in the garlic allicin, with a bactericidal effect, is contained in the garlic of garlic acid by the role of garlic hydrolysis. Still contains a variety of allyl, propyl and methyl composition of thioether compounds.
Cucumber : 1. Anti-tumor: cucumber contains cucurbitacin C has the role of improving the immune function, can achieve the purpose of anti-tumor. In addition, the substance can also treat chronic hepatitis 2. Anti-aging: old cucumber is rich in vitamin E, can play a longevity, anti-aging effect; cucumber in the cucumber enzyme, has a strong biological activity, can effectively promote the body's metabolism. Smear the skin with a cucumber Daozhi, with moisturizing effect, stretch the effect of wrinkles 3. Alcoholism: Cucumber contains alanine, arginine and glutamine on liver patients, especially in patients with alcohol cirrhosis have some adjuvant therapy, can prevent alcoholism 4. Hypoglycemic: cucumber contains glucoside, fructose and so do not participate in the usual sugar metabolism, so the diabetic cucumber instead of starchy food to eat, blood sugar will not increase, or even lower 5. weight loss strong body: cucumber contains propionic acid, can inhibit the conversion of carbohydrates into fat. In addition, the cucumber in the promotion of human intestinal corrupt substances in the exclusion of drugs, as well as lower cholesterol have a certain role, can keep fit.
Chinese Cabbage : Chinese cabbage is rich in nutrients, in addition to sugar, fat, protein, crude fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, is still rich in vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin B2 content than apple, pear Respectively, 5 times higher, 4 times; trace elements zinc higher than meat, and can inhibit the absorption of nitrite amine molybdenum Which vitamin C, can increase the body's resistance to infection, for scurvy, gum bleeding, a variety of acute and chronic infectious diseases prevention and treatment. Cabbage contains cellulose, can enhance gastrointestinal motility, reduce the retention time of feces in the body to help digestion and excretion, thereby reducing the burden of liver and kidney to prevent the occurrence of a variety of stomach problems.
Carrot : Carrot is a kind of radish, as,cruciferous carrot, also known as,big carrot, northeast carrot one or two year old herbs, root meat, spherical, root bark red, root meat white. Originated in China, all around cultivation, the Northeast is the main producing areas of large carrots, due to climate and variety factors such as the formation of its high nutritional value and medicinal value. Carrot micro-temperature, into the lungs, stomach two, with heat, detoxification, dampness, stasis, stomach digestion, Huatanzhike, Shun gas, convenience, Shengjinzhike, fill in the five internal organs and other functions. A wide variety of radishes, raw to spicy less as well.
White Radish : 1, anti-cancer anti-cancer: radish contains lignin, can improve the vitality of macrophages, phagocytosis of cancer cells. In addition, radish contains a variety of enzymes, can break down carcinogenic nitrite amine, with anti-cancer effect. 2, rejuvenation anti-aging: radish is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and other vitamins, especially in the leaves of vitamin C content is more than 4 times the root. Vitamin c can prevent skin aging, prevent the formation of black stains, keep the skin white and tender. In addition, vitamin a and vitamin c have antioxidant effect, can effectively inhibit cancer, can also prevent aging and atherosclerosis and so on. 3, fitness disease prevention: white radish containing mustard oil, amylase and crude fiber, with the promotion of digestion, increase appetite, accelerate gastrointestinal motility and cough and phlegm effect. Chinese medicine theory also believes that the taste Xin Gan, cool, into the lung and stomach, for the diet to share, can be treated or adjuvant treatment of various diseases, Compendium of Materia Medica called the most beneficial vegetables. 4, clean bowel detoxification: In addition to vitamins, white radish in the dietary fiber content is very impressive, especially in the leaves contained in the plant fiber is rich. These plant fibers can promote gastrointestinal motility, eliminate constipation, play the role of detoxification, thereby improving the skin rough.
Variety: RHS2535 f1 Charecters: Maturity: 45-52 Days Noticed Fruit Color: Shiny Green Fruit Length: 25 To 30cm Fruit Diameter: 5-6 CM Fruit Shape: Semi Spiny, long Green Type, Very Uniform & Attractive. Seeds Rate: 2Kg/Ha Spacing: 60*180CM Remark: Excellent Vigour& Early Good For Long Transportation
Variety: Racer f1 Charecters: Maturity: 45-52 Days Noticed Fruit Color: Dark Green Fruit Length: 30 To 32cm Fruit Diameter: 5-6 CM Fruit Shape: Semi Spiny, long Green Type, Very Uniform & Attractive. Seeds Rate: 2Kg/Ha Spacing: 60*180CM Remark: Excellent Vigour &E arly
Variety: Mayya f1 Charecters: Maturity: 45-52 Days Noticed Fruit Colour: White Fruit Length: 25 To 30cm Fruit Diameter: 5-6CM Fruit Shape: Semi Spiny, long Green Type, Very Uniform & Attractive. Seeds Rate: 2Kg/Ha Spacing: 60*180CM Remark Excellent Vigour & Early Good For Long Transportation
Variety: Super Varad Segment Charecters: Days Of First Picking: 55 Days Fruit Color: Green Fruit Shape : Cylendrical Fruit Length: 30-35 CM Fruit Weight: 750-800 Grams Remark: Attractive Shiny Green Color Fruit Seed Rate: 2Kg/Ha Spacing: 60*180CM Yield: 75-85Tones/Ha
Variety: Anmol Seg. Charecters : Days Of First Picking: 55 Days Fruit Color: Green Fruit Shape : Cylendrical with thin neck Fruit Length: 30-35 CM Fruit Weight: 750-800 Grams Remark: Attractive Shiny Green Color Fruit Seed Rate: 2Kg/Ha Spacing: 60*180CM Yield: 75-80Tones/Ha
Variety: KundaL Seg. Charecters: Days Of First Picking: 55 To 60 Days Fruit Color: Green Fruit Shape : Pear Shaped Fruit Weight: 750-800 Grams Remark: Attractive Green Color Fruit Seed Rate: 2Kg/Ha Spacing: 60*180CM
Variety: Malini Seg. Charecters: Days To First Picking: 35-40 Days Fruit Color: Light Green Fruit Weight: 150-180 Grams Fruit Length: 15-18CM Fruit Shape: Uniform Cylindrical Seed Rate: 700-900Grams Spacing: 30*150CM Avg. Yield: 20-21 Tones/Ha Remark: Very High Yielding Variety.
Variety: 3338 Charecters: First Picking: 60-70 Days Fruit Shape: Round Fruit Colour: Dark Purple Fruit Weight: 250-300Grams Seed Rate: 150-200Grams/Ha Spacing:- Dense (45*60CM) Ideal (60*75CM) Remark: Attractive Shiny Purple Color
Variety: Vikrant f1 Charecters: Maturity: 55 To 60 Days Days Fruit Colour: Dark Green Fruit Length: 15 To 20cm Fruit Diameter: 3CM Fruit Weight: 80 Grams Fruit Shape: Spiny, Short Green Type, Very Uniform & Attractive. Seeds Rate: 2Kg/Ha Spacing: 60*180CM Remark: Popular For High Yielding Hybrid,HR TO YVMV
Variety: Akash f1 Charecters: Days Of First Picking: 50-55Days Fruit Color: Glossy Green Fruit Shape: Flatish Round (Chakri Type) Fruit Weight: 500-600 Grams Remark: Vigourous Plant With High Fruit Setting. Seed Rate: 2Kg/Ha Spacing: 60*180CM
Crop: Hy.Cucumber Charecters: Days To First Picking: 35-40 Days Fruit Color: Dark Green Fruit Weight: 120-150 Grams Fruit Length: 12-15 CM Fruit Shape: Uniform Cylendrical Seed Rate: 700-900Grams Spacing: 30*150CM Avg Yield: 18-20Tones/Ha Remark: Very High Yielding& Vigorous Hybrid. Can Withstand High Temperature.
Variety: Prch f1 Charecters: Maturity: 55 Days Fruit Colour: Shiny Green Fruit Length: 10 to 12cm Fruit Diameter: 3 to3.5 CM Fruit Weight: 80-100 Grams Fruit Shape: Smooth Short Green Type, Very Uniform& Attractive Remark: Popular For High Yielding & Attractive Color.
Variety: RHS-691 f1 Charecters: Maturity: 55 Days Fruit Color: Dark Green Fruit Length: 10 to 12cm Fruit Diameter: 3 to 3.5 CM Fruit Weight: 80-100 Grams Fruit Shape: Spiny, Short Green Type, Very Uniform& Attractive Remark: Popular For High Yielding.
Variety: Arun f1 Charecters: Days Of First Picking: 55 Days Fruit Color: Green Fruit Shape : Cylendrical Fruit Length: 30-35 CM Fruit Weight: 750-800 Grams Remark: Attractive Shiny Green Color Fruit Seed Rate: 2Kg/Ha Spacing: 60*180CM Yield: 75-85Tones/Ha