Product Description : «Appetito» margarine packed in consumer package is used in various kinds of baking: cakes, cookies, pies, puffs. Besides it's also used in creams and stuffings as main ingredient. Margarine is used in various sandwiches and toasts, as well as in making shortbread and puff pastry. «Appetito» margarines improve pastry structure and prolong fresh lifetime of finished product. Complete products have pleasant taste and flavor. Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) : USD 0.34 per kg FCA Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Central Asia Product origin : Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Central Asia Key Specifications/Special Features : «Appetito» Margarine for puff pastry 82% Number of packages in the box: 50 pieces Weight: 200 grams Shelf life 6 months at a temperature of -20 to 0°C, 4 months at a temperature of 0 to + 15°C Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details : 200gr, 10kg
Product Description : «Appetito» margarine packed in consumer package is used in various kinds of baking: cakes, cookies, pies, puffs. Besides it's also used in creams and stuffings as main ingredient. Margarine is used in various sandwiches and toasts, as well as in making shortbread and puff pastry. «Appetito» margarines improve pastry structure and prolong fresh lifetime of finished product. Complete products have pleasant taste and flavor. Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) : USD 0.34 per kg FCA Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Central Asia Product origin : Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Central Asia Key Specifications/Special Features : «Appetito» Margarine for puff pastry 82% Number of packages in the box: 50 pieces Weight: 200 grams Shelf life 6 months at a temperature of -20 to 0°C, 4 months at a temperature of 0 to + 15°C Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details : 200gr, 10kg
Product Description : «Appetito» margarine packed in consumer package is used in various kinds of baking: cakes, cookies, pies, puffs. Besides it's also used in creams and stuffings as main ingredient. Margarine is used in various sandwiches and toasts, as well as in making shortbread and puff pastry. «Appetito» margarines improve pastry structure and prolong fresh lifetime of finished product. Complete products have pleasant taste and flavor. Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) : USD 0.30 per kg FCA Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Central Asia Product origin : Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Central Asia Key Specifications/Special Features : «Appetito» Margarine All-purpose 72% Number of packages in the box: 50 pieces Weight: 200/500 grams Shelf life 6 months at a temperature of -20 to 0°C, 4 months at a temperature of 0 to + 15°C Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details : 200/500gr, 10kg, 20kg
Product Description : «Appetito» margarine packed in consumer package is used in various kinds of baking: cakes, cookies, pies, puffs. Besides it's also used in creams and stuffings as main ingredient. Margarine is used in various sandwiches and toasts, as well as in making shortbread and puff pastry. «Appetito» margarines improve pastry structure and prolong fresh lifetime of finished product. Complete products have pleasant taste and flavor. Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) : USD 0.25 per kg FCA Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Central Asia Product origin : Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Central Asia Key Specifications/Special Features : «Appetito» Margarine All-purpose 60% Number of packages in the box: 50 pieces Weight: 200/500 grams Shelf life 6 months at a temperature of -20 to 0°C, 4 months at a temperature of 0 to + 15°C Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details : 200/500gr
Product Description : «Appetito» spread in plastic cup has soft creamy taste and low fat rate 72,5%. Package weight — 200 gr— optimal for the single purchase, transportation and storage. This product is of all-purpose practice and easy to use. Having flexible and soft consistensy, it is easily covered even chilled. Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) : USD 0.64 per kg FCA Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Central Asia Product origin : Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Central Asia Key Specifications/Special Features : «Appetito» spread 72,5% Number of packages in the box: 30 pieces Weight: 200 grams Shelf life 6 months at 0 °C, 4 months at + 4 °C Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details : 200gr
Product Description : Fryed fat «Appetito» is used for making various dishes both in house kitchens and mainly in restaurant kitchens. Fryed fat is often used for making puffs, chebureks, fried potato, roasting meat, frying fish and vegetable. Fat doesn't spit, doesn't foam and doesn't smoke under temperature of 180'. It doesn't remain unpleasant aftertaste in complete product. After frying it's not crystallized on the product surface. During the frying process it doesn't transmit the flavour from the previous dish to the next one. Fryed fat workability is increasing up to 75 hours, that could considerably decrease the expenses. Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) : USD 1.74 per kg FCA Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Central Asia Product origin : Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Central Asia Key Specifications/Special Features : Shelf life 6 months at a temperature of -20 to 0°C, 4 months at a temperature of 0 to + 15°C Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details : 4,5kg
Chicken paws are the lower parts of the chicken's body that the animal uses for walking. Chicken paws have a richer, fuller, and deeper flavor profile compared to other parts of the chicken such as the breast. The flavor is often described as meaty and juicy, with a pleasant texture. This is because the paws contain more fat and connective tissue, which contributes to the flavor and juiciness.
Grapes are very wholesome as they are rich in vitamins. Red grape varieties are helpful in treating hematopoietic system diseases. Besides, grapes prevent the formation of cancer cells, improve the immune system and clear blood. Grapes help those ones who have problems with liver, gall, metabolism. They are very good for people who have heart diseases, depression and those ones who suffer from insomnia. Our organism digests grape juice very quickly as it is natural glucose. Grape vine depresses cholesterol level and in moderate doses normalizes blood pressure. Sultanas mixed with walnuts raise hemoglobin. Ampelotherapy is a special branch in medicine which was actively used by ancient Central Asian, Roman and Greek healers.
Chickpeas - The earliest known use dates to 3500 BC in Turkey and 6970 BC in France. Today they're grown in more than 50 countries. Some possible benefits of chickpeas include helping control blood sugar, manage weight, and support heart and gut health.2 Chickpeas are naturally gluten-free and not a common allergen, so they do not carry many risks. Still, slowly adding high-fiber foods like chickpeas to your diet is key to avoiding bloating and other gastrointestinal (GI) upset.
Mung Beans -- Mung beans are one of the best plant-based sources of protein. They're rich in essential amino acids, antioxidants, and nutrients that may help reduce blood pressure, LDL cholesterol levels, and heart disease risk. Mung beans (Vigna radiata) are small, green beans that belong to the legume family.It is usually eaten whole, peeled or sprouted. Dished of mash kichiri is prepared from it.
Cherries: Uzbekistan produces various cherry varieties, including Sweet Ryana, Sweet Lorenz, Revershon, Voskhod, Napoleon, Stella, and others. Cherries grown in Uzbekistan contain 12.2% sugar; Contains 0.23% of various acids and vitamins C and A, pectin, vitamins B1, B2, PP, C, coratin, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron salts.
The Asafoetida (Ferula) family is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the family Apiaceae (Umbliferae). There are more than 160 species of Kovrak on Earth, 104 species in the Central Asian republics, and more than 50 species in Uzbekistan. The locals call it sassik kovrak, rova, ravshak, kamol, murcha kamol and other names depending on the different types of kovrak. There are 10 main types of resin glue used, such as foul fracture, rova, mountain fringe and other names, these species are very similar in appearance morphologically, but in nature foul fracture (Ferula assa-foetida) is common. The resin-glue produced in the republic and delivered to consumers is mainly of this type. Kovrak reaches a height of 1.5â??2 m, the root is up to 15â??20 cm thick, located deep in the beets. The plant stem grows and blooms once every 8-9 years â?? monocarp. The stem is erect, thick, branched at the top of the hollow inside. The rhizome leaves are banded, separated three times. The leaf segments are oblong, or lanceolate. The leaves on the stem are small, the outside is covered with a lot of feathers, and the stem is lined with hairs. The flowers are gathered in a complex umbrella. The flower is pale yellow, without cups, the crown is 5, the paternal is 5, the maternal node is two-chambered, located below. The fruit is a two-piece grain. It blooms in March-April, the fruits ripen in April-May. The aboveground parts of the plant live 1.5-2 months, depending on the growing environment and weather conditions
Peanuts - Peanuts are high in protein, in 100 grams of raw peanuts: calories 567, water 6.5% protein 25.8 grams, carbs 16.1 grams, sugar 4.7 grams, fiber 8.5 grams, fat 49.2 grams. Daily use of peanuts stimulates brain activity, improves digestion and removes harmful substances from the body. They can be consumed raw, sprouted and roasted