Application scope recommended: Bulk paint (in emulsion); ink; plastics; dyeing and final paint; paper coating, colorful wallpaper; white shoe-polishing agent; paint (dried by air), etc. Performance and characteristics: Usable in both water and oil systems, but poorer in dispersion than special types Technical index: Item No. Quality index Result Notes 1 Tio2 content(%) 92.5 min 2 Rutile content(%) 7 min 3Whiteness6 min 4Lighting power 100 min 5Dispersion(number haegeman) 6.0 min 6Oil adsorption(g/100g)22 max 7Volatile(105°c)(%)0.5 max 8Residue on sieve(%)0.02 max 9Water soluble substance(%)0.5 max 1Ph value of aqueous suspension6.5 - 8.5 Packaging: Page valve bag, 25kg / bag
Titanium Dioxide Multipurpose rutile titanium dioxide pigment, it has average particle size distribution, good whiteness, good dispersion, high gloss, good hiding power and high weather resistance properties. It is widely used in coating, paints, ink, leather, rubber and ink production