All information and pricing indicative, subject to reconfirmation and contract.
Conexus Metals LLC would like to offer Steam Coal, under the following terms and conditions:
Quality: Freshly Mined Steam Coal (no contaminants, no pond fines, no petroleum coke) analyzing on a received basis as follows:
Moisture 6.5% Typical 9.0% Max
Ash 7-8% Typical 9.5% Max
Volatile 35-36% Typical
BTU 12,900
Sulfur 3.50% Max
HGI 55/57
Size 2â??x0
Quantity: Approximately 95,000 Metric Tons
Price: U.S.Dollars 108.00 Metric Ton
Delivery: FOB Vessel Lamberts Point, Norfolk VA
Shipping Period: To be shipped during first quarter 2024
We have met an steam coal available to be shipped. Price an quality depends on specific needs available . Have a railway to load train cars as well as trucking.