We are one of the leading companies based on the exportation and sales of Maize and our company and its products are worldly known for its good quality, confidentiality and satisfactory prices
Yellow Maize, Dried Yellow Corn, Popcorn, White Corn Maize, Popcorn kernel.
White Popcorn as the name implies, white popcorn is colored with brilliant white. It has a neutral and pure popcorn flavor.
Yellow popcorn is colored with a yellow tint, giving it a more buttery appearance. It tastes more flavorful than white popcorn.
Butterfly popcorn, is a kind of popcorn based on its physical characteristic, shape. It has an irregular shape, and has protruding wings from each popcorn kernel.
Mushroom popcorn is another kind that is based on shape. It has a more defined round shape like the top of a mushroom.
MOISTURE : 12-14%
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Commodity Yellow maize
Admixture 1.5 % max
Color Yellow normal
Moisture 14 % max
Broken kernels 5 % max
Aflatoxin 20 PPB max
Protein 8 % min
Discolored 3 % max
Foreign Materials 0.5 % max
Damaged Grains 1.5% max
Test Weight -68kg/HI
TDK 5 % max
Sand 1.5% max
Mercury 0.5 PPM max
Cadmium 2.5 PPM max
Heat Damage : 0.5 %max
MOQ. :54mt
Common types:
Yellow Corn
White corn
Red corn
High nutritive value
Premium quality
Longer shelf life
Cationic starch carries a positive charge over the entire pH range creating their affinity towards negatively charged substrates, such as cellulose, pulp and some synthetic fibres, aqueous suspensions of minerals and slimes and biologically active macromolecules.
This starch may be derived from either maize or tapioca is used primarily as a wet-end starch and mainly used in paper and cardboard forming processes:
-Increases mechanical strength and for better retention of fines and fillers
-Enables faster drainage and improved sheet formation and production, saving both time
and resources.
-Improves opacity, brightness and stiffness of paper and allows for better printing quality
-It is also popularly used in the manufacture of disposable diapers (nappies) and personal
sanitary products.
Parameters BiCAT:
-Appearance - fine free flowing white powder
-pH of 10% Slurry - 6.0- 8.0
-Moisture Max -13.0 %
-Viscosity in Brookfield Viscometer -Min 300 cps
-Brightness - Min 85.0 %
-Degree of Substitution - 0.02-0.04 %
-Cold Water Solubility -Max 4.0 %.
Our A grade maize starch meets the highest standards and is a versatile product that can be applied across a variety of industries such as:
Textiles (sizing, finishing, printing)
Paper and cardboard
Glues and Adhesives
Rubber and foam
Paint fillers and putty
Aluminium and Cast-Iron Foundries
Dry battery cell
This multifunctional product can be modified to your needs and our
sales team would be more than happy to help you find the starch that
fits your industrial requirements.
-Parameters :
-Appearance-Free Flowing Cream-White Powder
-pH of 10%- Slurry 4.5 - 7.0
-Moisture Content- Max 13.0%
-Viscosity of 5% solution in Brookfield viscometer at 75C- Min 1400 Cps
-Viscosity of 2% solution in RedWood No.1 viscometer at 75C -Min 34 sec
-Fibre Content(100gram) -Max 1.0 ml
-Sieve retention on 100 mesh -Max 1.0%
-Ash Content- Max 0.2%
-Sulphur Dioxide- Max 100 ppm
-Brightness -Max 90.0%
-Protein Content Max 0.45%
-Free Acidity (10 gram)- Max 4.0 ml
-Petroleum Extractable Matter- Max 0.25%
-Acid Insoluble Ask- Max 0.05%
-Alcoholic Acidity @90% Alcohol- Max 2.0 ml
-Starch content- Min 98.0%
Manufactured by addition of acid to a native starch slurry, this popular textile starch has low and uniform viscosity, which allows it to withstand high temperatures and to be used in higher concentrations.
This starch may also be used in paper manufacturing for sizing and
strength. Our sales team can guide you towards finding the best
specifications for this purpose.
-Brightness- Min 90%
-Cold water solubility Max 4%
-Ash Content Max 1%
Produced by the hydrolysis of corn-starch, through an eco-friendly process, our white dextrin has a wide range of applications:
- Can be used at higher solids levels than native or modified starches
- To create stronger bonds
- Have more tack
- Dry faster than pastes made from unmodified starch
- Is soluble in water
Dextrin pastes provide excellent machinability and can be used in:
- Adhesives and coatings that come into contact with food products
- Child-safe school pastes
- Removable wallpaper
- Bag/envelope seams
- Paper and textile sizing.
-Appearance- Off white free flowing powder
-pH of 10% Slurry -2.5 - 3.5
-Moisture -Max 10%
-Ash content -Max 1%
-Free acidity- Max 5ml
-Cold water solubility -Min 85%
This derivative possesses low viscosity, is very sticky and hygroscopic in nature. It helps in increasing dry strength and at the same time is completely soluble in water. It can be used for:
Mining industry as additives for froth flotation (ore sedimentation)
In foundries as an excellent binding agent for cores