Lowest Prices for Light Naphtha. Product specifications as below: Density @ 15DC MAX 700 Kg/m3 Test Method - ASTM D1298 I.B.P MIN 35 DC Test Method - ASTM D86 10% Evaporated temp MAX 60 DC Test Method - ASTM D86 50% Evaporated temp MIN 85 DC Test Method - ASTM D86 95% Evaporated temp MAX 125 DC Test Method - ASTM D86 F.B.P MAX 150 DC Test Method - ASTM D86 Residue MAX 1.5 % Vol Test Method ASTM D86 Loss Max 1 % Vol Test Method ASTM D86 Total Sulphur MAX 0.03 % Wt Test Method ASTM D1266 Corrosion 3 HRS No 1 strip 50 DC Test Method ASTM D13 Vapour Pressure MAX 75 K.Pa Test Method ASTM D32 Mercaphtan Content MAX 25 PPM Test Method ASTM D322 Colour, Saybolt 20 min Test Method D156 Paraffins Content MIN 70 % VolTest Method ASTM D131 Oleffins Content MAX 2 % VolTest Method ASTM D131 Naphthense Content MIN 10 % VolTest Method ASTM D131 Aromatics Content MIN 5 % Vol Test Method ASTM D131 Lead (PB) P.P.B MAX 40 UopTest Method 350-68T C/H Ratio MAX 5.5Gum Existent (air jet) MAX 3 Mg/100mlTest Method ASTM D381g
Density @ 15 DC - Max 970 Kg/M3. Test Method - D1298 Kinematic Viscosity @ 50 DC - Max 280 CST. Test Method D-445 Visco.Rodwood1@37.7 DC - MAX 2500 SECS Pour Point - MAX 24 DC. Test Method D-97 Flash Point - MIN 65 DC. Test Method D-93 Sulphur Total - Max 3.5 Wt%. Test Method D-1552 Carbon Residue (Conradson) - MAX 15 WT%. Test Method D-189 Ash - MAX 0.05 WT%. Test Method D-482 Water & Sediment - MAX 0.5 VOL% Test Method D-1796 Calorific Value (Higher) - MIN 41.8 MJ/KG
Lowest prices in middle east! density @ 15 dc - max 990 kg/m3. Test method - d1298 kinematic viscosity @ 50 dc - max 380 cst. Test method d-445 pour point - max 32 dc. Test method d-97 flash point - min 65 dc. Test method d-93 sulphur total - max 3.5 wt%. Test method d-1552 carbon residue (conradson) - max 15 wt%. Test method d-189 ash - max 0.15 wt%. Test method d-482 water & sediment - max 1.0 vol% test method d-1796 calorific value (higher) - min 41.7 mj/kg
Lowest Prices for Light Naphtha. Product specifications as below:
Density @ 15DC â?? MAX 700 Kg/m3 Test Method - ASTM D1298
I.B.P â?? MIN 35 DC Test Method - ASTM D86
10% Evaporated temp â?? MAX 60 DC Test Method - ASTM D86
50% Evaporated temp â?? MIN 85 DC Test Method - ASTM D86
95% Evaporated temp â?? MAX 125 DC Test Method - ASTM D86
F.B.P â?? MAX 150 DC Test Method - ASTM D86
Residue â?? MAX 1.5 % Vol Test Method â?? ASTM D86
Loss â?? Max 1 % Vol Test Method â?? ASTM D86
Total Sulphur â?? MAX 0.03 % Wt Test Method â?? ASTM D1266
Corrosion 3 HRS â?? No 1 strip 50 DC Test Method â?? ASTM D13
Vapour Pressure â?? MAX 75 K.Pa Test Method â?? ASTM D32
Mercaphtan Content â?? MAX 25 PPM Test Method â?? ASTM D322
Colour, Saybolt â?? 20 min Test Method â?? D156
Paraffins Content â?? MIN 70 % Vol Test Method â?? ASTM D131
Oleffins Content â?? MAX 2 % Vol Test Method â?? ASTM D131
Naphthense Content â?? MIN 10 % Vol Test Method â?? ASTM D131
Aromatics Content â?? MIN 5 % Vol Test Method â?? ASTM D131
Lead (PB) P.P.B â?? MAX 40 Uop Test Method â?? 350-68T
C/H Ratio â?? MAX 5.5
Gum Existent (air jet) â?? MAX 3 Mg/100ml Test Method â?? ASTM D381
Lowest Prices for Heavy Naphtha. Product specifications as below:
Density @ 15DC â?? MAX 0.758 Kg/m3 Test Method - ASTM D1298
10% Evaporated temp â?? MAX 120 DC Test Method - ASTM D86
50% Evaporated temp â?? MIN 115 DC Test Method - ASTM D86
95% Evaporated temp â?? 150-170 DC Test Method - ASTM D86
F.B.P â?? MAX 180 DC Test Method - ASTM D86
Residue â?? MAX 1.5 % Vol Test Method â?? ASTM D86
Loss â?? Max 1 % Vol Test Method â?? ASTM D86
Total Sulphur â?? MAX 0.08 % Wt Test Method â?? ASTM D1266
Corrosion 3 HRS â?? No 1 strip 50 DC Test Method â?? ASTM D130
Vapour Pressure â?? MAX 27 K.Pa Test Method â?? ASTM D323
Mercaphtan Content â?? MIN 70 PPM Test Method â?? ASTM D3227
Colour, Saybolt â?? 20 min Test Method â?? D156
Paraffins Content â?? MIN 50 % Vol Test Method â?? ASTM D1319
Oleffins Content â?? MAX 1.5 % Vol Test Method â?? ASTM D1319
(Naphthens + Aromatics) Content â?? MIN 10 % Vol Test Method â?? ASTM D1319
Lead (PB) P.P.B â?? MAX 40 Uop Test Method â?? 350-68T
C/H Ratio â?? MAX 6
Gum Existent (air jet) â?? MAX 2.5 Mg/100ml Test Method â?? ASTM D381
Oxygenates â?? MAX 60 PPM Test Method â?? ASTM D4815
15553 Industrial And Automotive Suppliers
Short on time? Let Industrial And Automotive sellers contact you.
Lowest prices for GAS OIL 500 PPM. Product specifications as below:
Density @ 15 DC â?? 820-860 Kg/m3 Test Method â?? ASTM D1298
Recovered @ 357 DC â?? Min 90 Vol% Test Method â?? ASTM D86
F.B.P â?? MAX 385 DC Test Method â?? ASTM D86
Colour â?? MAX 3 Test Method â?? ASTM D1500
Flash Point â?? MIN 54 DC Test Method â?? ASTM D93
Sulphur Total â?? MAX 0.05 wt% Test Method â?? ASTM D1552
Corrosion-3hrs@100 DC â?? 1 a Test Method â?? ASTM D130
Viscosity Kinematic @ 37.8 DC â?? 2.0-5.5 c.St Test Method â?? ASTM D445
Cloud Point â?? MAX 2.0 DC Test Method â?? ASTM D2500
Pour Point â?? MAX -3.0 Test Method â?? ASTM D97
Carbon Residue (on 10% Bottoms) â?? MAX 0.1 wt% Test Method â?? ASTM D189
Ash â?? MAX 0.01 wt% Test Method â?? ASTM D482
Water & Sediment â?? MAX 0.05 Vol% Test Method â?? ASTM D2709
Cetane Index â?? MIN 49 Test Method â?? ASTM D976
Density @ 15 DC â?? 820-860 Kg/m3 Test Method â?? ASTM D1298
Recovered @ 357 DC â?? Min 90 Vol% Test Method â?? ASTM D86
F.B.P â?? MAX 385 DC Test Method â?? ASTM D86
Colour â?? MAX 3 Test Method â?? ASTM D1500
Flash Point â?? MIN 60 DC Test Method â?? ASTM D93
Sulphur Total â?? MAX 0.5 wt% Test Method â?? ASTM D1552
Corrosion-3hrs@100 DC â?? 1 a Test Method â?? ASTM D130
Viscosity Kinematic @ 37.8 DC â?? 2.0-5.5 c.St Test Method â?? ASTM D445
Cloud Point â?? MAX 2.0 DC Test Method â?? ASTM D2500
Pour Point â?? MAX -3.0 Test Method â?? ASTM D97
Carbon Residue (on 10% Bottoms) â?? MAX 0.1 wt% Test Method â?? ASTM D189
Ash â?? MAX 0.01 wt% Test Method â?? ASTM D482
Water & Sediment â?? MAX 0.05 Vol% Test Method â?? ASTM D2709
Cetane Index â?? MIN 49 Test Method â?? ASTM D976
Density @ 15 DC â?? 820-860 Kg/m3 Test Method â?? ASTM D1298
Recovered @ 357 DC â?? MIN 90 Vol% Test Method â?? ASTM D86
F.B.P â?? MAX 385 DC Test Method â?? ASTM D86
Colour â?? MAX 3 Test Method â?? ASTM D1500
Flash Point â?? MIN 54 AND 60 DC Test Method â?? ASTM D93
Sulphur Total â?? MAX 1 wt% Test Method â?? ASTM D1552
Corrosion-3hrs@100 DC â?? 1 a Test Method â?? ASTM D130
Viscosity Kinematic @ 37.8 DC â?? 2.0-5.5 c.St Test Method â?? ASTM D445
Cloud Point â?? MAX 2.0 DC Test Method â?? ASTM D2500
Pour Point â?? MAX -3.0 Test Method â?? ASTM D97
Carbon Residue (on 10% Bottoms) â?? MAX 0.1 wt% Test Method â?? ASTM D189
Ash â?? MAX 0.01 wt% Test Method â?? ASTM D482
Water & Sediment â?? MAX 0.05 Vol% Test Method â?? ASTM D2709
Cetane Index â?? MIN 49 Test Method â?? ASTM D976
Abdulla & Nasir Auto has been in operation since 2003. We presently export a range of products worldwide. We specialise in aftermarket collision spare parts. Bumpers, hoods, grilles, doors, all lamps, fenders, reinforcements, radiators and condensers.
Below is our deals for crude oil:
1. USA seller,
Now is only Russian crude oil available, the qtty is open, the price CIF, Brent minus 4$ per barrel or Rotterdam minus 4$.
2. Iraqi Crude oil,
Seller is SOMO, Iraqi oil marketing
A. Deal with condition that buyer must own refinery or Trader has 65% of refinery share.
B. Deal with No condition, just any oil company has the ability to buy. In this case, depends on the deal as qtty and discount and it is range from (3)$ to (7) $, FOB, Basrah terminal. For example, there is a deal now, 34 million bbl, Basra light crude oil with (3)$ discount FOB, All somo deals FOB there is No CIF from somo.
For any deal, some times we must have the buyer ready with LOI and Bcl or at least LOI, to hold the deal for us then we should provide other documents.
For Europe the discount range
From 6-7$ and will be Net to the buyer around (5)$ to (5.5)$, FOB.
The difference is Iraqi group commission with somo personal.
For the UK from (8)$ to (9)$ discount, this is the total discount by then will tell us how much Iraqi group will take the commission and the rest to the buyer as a NET discount.
For USA buyer, this is best discount and depending on location in the USA, for example, it is starting from (10)$ and up to (18)$ or more, specifically in western Texas is the best ever!
Hi Sir
kindly note that we could supply you with Light Crude oil, MOQ 1mm BBL, PRICE BRENT -1 USD ON FOB TERM, if interested please do not hesitate to contact me
Pentas has 14 different drum types to be chosen depending on the product to be filled.The thickness of steel in these
Drums ranges from 0.70 mm to 1.20 mm. They are also with a web design rolling hoops which permits optimum stuffing of drums in shipping containers.
15553 Industrial And Automotive Suppliers
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