The berries are balls up to 2 cm in diameter and are a bright purple-blue color when ripe, but dried juniper berries are much darker, almost black with a violet cast. They taste slightly bitter and have a slight turpentine flavor. But most of all they are valued for their resinous pine aroma, for which the berries are considered a spicy spice.
Juglans regia, partitionibus High quality walnut partitions and/or leaves for wholesale. Both leaves and partitions are widely used in medicine.Particions contains the most iodine. It causes a pleasant dark brown color and a bitter taste. It is because of the high content of iodine that this product is valued. It also contains trace elements such as potassium, magnesium, and zinc. The vitamin composition of the partitions is rich: they contain carotene, nicotinic and ascorbic acids, B vitamins and vitamin PP. There are a lot of amino acids, tannins and essential oils in the partitions, which determine their benefits for the human body. We provide drying of our products meeting all requirements to keep max of useful substances. Country of origin - Ukraine
Rubus idaeus, folia High quality raspberry leaf for wholesale.Raspberry leaves are a well of vitamins and other useful substances. Their number is even difficult to count. Yes, raspberry leaves contain vitamins A, B, C, K, E, PP, acids (salicylic, folic), trace elements (potassium, manganese, cobalt, copper, iron, zinc, phosphorus, molybdenum, iodine, magnesium), carbohydrates , fiber, flavonoids, mineral salts, polysaccharides, tannins, as well as essential oils. Raspberry leaves can be used in cosmetology, medicine and for making tea. We provide drying of our products meeting all requirements to keep max of useful substances. Country of origin - Ukraine
Barbara vulgris, herba High quality winter cress herb for wholesale. Common cress is used as a medicinal plant. The above-ground parts of the plant are collected for medicinal purposes. Its leaves are rich in ascorbic acid, and its seeds are rich in thioglycosides. Crescent has a wound-healing and diuretic effect and stimulates the appetite. Used as an antiscorbutic agent. Stems, leaves and inflorescences, which are harvested during flowering, are used as medicinal raw materials. Soup, puree, and side dishes are prepared from the green parts of the common rapeseed. Mostly young leaves and unblown inflorescences of colza are used in cooking. Its leaves taste a little like mustard. We provide drying of our products meeting all requirements to keep max of useful substances. Country of origin - Ukraine
Taraxacum officinale, radices High quality dried organic or conventional Common dandelion root for wholesale Dandelion leaves, flowers, and roots are all edible. Dandelion roots are rich in inulin (up to 40% in autumn), sugars (up to 18% in autumn): fructose, sucrose, galactose. All parts of the dandelion can be used in cosmetology: stems, leaves, petals and roots.And of course is used in medicine. We provide drying of our products meeting all requirements to keep max of useful substances Country of origin - Ukraine
Taraxacum officinale, folia High quality dried organic or conventional Common dandelion leaf for wholesale Dandelion leaves, flowers, and roots are all edible. Dandelion leaves are rich in phosphorus, calcium and iron, contain many proteins, which increases their nutritional value. All parts of the dandelion can be used in cosmetology: stems, leaves, petals and roots.And of course is used in medicine. We provide drying of our products meeting all requirements to keep max of useful substances Country of origin - Ukraine
Robinia pseudoacacia, radicer High quality False acacia flowers and/or bark for wholesale In traditional medicine different parts of Robinia pseudoacacia are used as laxative, antispasmodic, and diuretic. The flowers are sometimes used to produce a sweet and perfumed jam. Seeds and flowers contain up to 12% essential oil and are used in perfumery. We provide drying of our products meeting all requirements to keep max of useful substances. Country of origin - Ukraine
Artemisia annua, herba High quality dried Annual wormwood for wholesale Annual wormwood is a common and well-known medicinal plant. The plant is widely used in medicine. The aerial part of the plant is used as an aromatic seasoning for culinary products. The essential oil is suitable for use in the perfume industry and soap making. We provide drying of our products meeting all requirements to keep max of useful substances Country of origin - Ukraine
Goat herb Galega olficinalis High quality dried Galega herb for wholesale The herb (lat. Herba galegae) is used for treatment. The above-ground part of the plant is collected, the tops of flowering plants 20-25 cm high are cut off and they are quickly dried. Used in folk medicine as a remedy against diabetes; also used to increase lactation, as a diuretic and diaphoretic. The plant is poisonous. We provide drying of our products meeting all requirements to keep max of useful substances. Country of origin - Ukraine
Sambucus ebulus, radices High quality dried dwarf elder for wholesale Dwarf elder (Sambucus ebulus L) is one of the best known medicinal herbs since ancient times. In view of its benefits as a widely applicable phytomedicine, it is still used in folk medicine of different parts of the world. In addition to its nutritional values, dwarf elder contains different phytochemicals among which flavonoids and lectins are responsible for most of its therapeutic effects. Dwarf elder has been used for different ailments including: joint pains, cold, wounds, and infections. We provide drying of our products meeting all requirements to keep max of useful substances. Country of origin - Ukraine
Common Wormwood (mugwort) Artemisia vulgaris High quality dried Common wormwood for wholesale The aerial part of the plant is used as a spicy seasoning for various dishes, especially fatty ones. Wormwood is a medicinal plant. The herb is used as a medicinal raw material - leafy flowering tops collected during flowering and dried. Wormwood improves appetite and digestion, has a tonic, sedative, hematopoietic, wound-healing, choleretic and mild laxative effect; improves stomach function and helps with fever. We provide drying of our products meeting all requirements to keep max of useful substances Country of origin - Ukraine
Echinacea purpurea, flores High quality echinacea for wholesale. Echinacea gained world fame as an immunomodulator of natural origin. It mainly stimulates cellular immunity, activates the body's resistance. Biologically active substances, especially valuable microelements, are contained in the root and aerial part, most often in the inflorescence, which is collected during flowering. So, in addition to the immunomodulating effect, this plant also has antimicrobial, antiviral, fungicidal, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antiallergic properties. We provide drying of our products meeting all requirements to keep max of useful substances. Country of origin - Ukraine
Rumex confertus, radices High quality horse dock root, herb for wholesale Dishes made from horse sorrel leaves are very popular. Not fresh leaves are used, but dried ones - during drying, fermentation occurs, and they acquire a pleasant taste, and the characteristic bitterness disappears. Extract from the roots and rhizomes gives a yellow dye; leaves and stems give a green dye. The rhizome can be used to tan leather. In veterinary medicine, the roots are used for intestinal and skin diseases. The roots are used in the tanning industry and as a dye. All parts of the plant are used for medicinal purposes, separately - leaves with petioles, fruits in panicles, root (lat. Radix Rumicis conferti) We provide drying of our products meeting all requirements to keep max of useful substances. Country of origin - Ukraine
Zinc Ligatures
Zinc Anodes
The Zinc Is Not Doped-Ingot
Product Name: High Preessure Industrial Use Transformer Vacuumizer Packaging Wxf Series Anti-Explosive Oil Free Rotary Vane Vacuum Pump Summary: We have more than 20 types chemical process pump, such as horizontal pump, submersible pump ,vertical pump, semi-submersible pump, fluoroplastic pump, axial pump ,gear pump.ect . Application: They are used for transmission of liquids (oil, sea water ,sulphuric acid, phosphoric acid, H2SiF6acid, alkali liquid) with low or high temperature, neutral or corrosive liquids ,or liquids with solid granular and widely used in petroleum chemical industry ,oil refining industry, paper ,pulp industry ,sugar industry ,mining ,etc Lots of material can be chose for different working condition, such as cast steel ,stainless steel 304,316,2205,904L, Hartz alloy C276,C22, nickel-base alloy GH600, PVDF,PP, UHMWPE-lining .etc Pump a strong seal system :packing seal ,double face mechnical seal ,cartridge mechnical seal ,API682 flushing syestem.
Zinc Alloys, Anti-Friction Ingot
REBCO (Russian Export Blend Crude Oil) is a sort of Russian Export Crude Oil with a mixture formed in the system of pipeline Transneft by mixing heavy sour crude Ural from the Volga region and low-sulfur oil in Western Siberia, the relevant characteristics to the brand Urals. Urals brand oil is supplied through the Baku-Novorossiysk pipeline system and the Druzhba pipeline. Components of petroleum are separated using a technique called fractional distillation, i.e. separation of a liquid mixture into fractions differing in boiling point by means of distillation, typically using a fractionating column. Petroleum includes not only crude oil, but all liquid, gaseous and solid hydrocarbons. Our company exports to contries such as Malasia, Singapore, China, Taiwan and all countries in Europe and parts of Africa We'll be glad to have a deal with you.
D6 is also be known as Residual Fuel Oil and is of high-viscosity. This particular fuel oil requires preheating to 220 - 260 Degrees Fahrenheit. D6 is mostly used for generators. D6 is a type of residual fuel, mainly used in power plants and larger ships. The fuel requires to be preheated before it can be used. It is not possible to use it in smaller engines or vessels/vehicles where it is not possible to pre-heat it. D6 is its name in the USA. In other parts of the world it has other names. Residual means the material remaining after the more valuable cuts of crude oil have boiled off. The residue may contain various undesirable impurities including 2 percent water and one-half percent mineral soil. D6 fuel is also known as residual fuel oil (RFO), by the Navy specification of Bunker C, or by the Pacific Specification of PS-400 Recent changes in fuel quality regulation now require further refining of the D6 in order to remove the sulfur, which leads to a higher cost. Despite this recent change, D6 is still less useful because of its viscosity as well as that it needs to be pre-heated before it can be used and contains high amounts of pollutants, such as sulfur. Since it requires pre-heating, it cannot be used in small ships or boats or cars. However large ships and power plants can use the residual fuel oil. The price of D6 diesel traditionally rises during colder months as demand for heating oil rises, which is refined in much the same way.In many parts of the United States and throughout the United Kingdom and Australia, d6 diesel may be priced higher than petrol. D6 Diesel Standards and ClassificationCCAI and CII are two indexes which describe the ignition quality of residual fuel oil, and CCAI is especially often calculated for marine fuels.