Aadrea Lemongrass essential oil is licenced by Uganda National Bureau of Standards under Permit Number 08285-1849-0008, issued under US ISO Standard 3217:1974 [UNBS, Uganda]. The oil is a pale yellow to orange yellow mobile liquid, derived from the stock of Cymbopogon citratus, a specie of grass in the Poaceae family of grasses, native to the Tropics. Its scent is lemony, and characteristic with a hint of citral. The main active component(s) in a typical oil sample are: Myrcene (16%), Citral (1%), Citronellal (2%), Geranyl Acetate (1%), Nerol (35%), Geraniol (40%), and Limonene (0.5%). Our packaging is typically 5 litre aluminum cans. Price offer is for 1 litre (1000ml) of 100% pure essential oil.
Lemongrass both as oil or raw material (grass).
Rosemary leaves, rosemary vergn oils, lemongrass oil, eucalyptus leaves oil, pine leaves oil, citronella oil, lavender leaves oil, cedar leaves oil, lemon eucalyptus leaves oil, holy basil leaves oil, neem seeds oil, vergn coconut oil, vergn coffee oil, vergn sunflower seeds oil, vergn pumpkin seeds oil & etc...
Vanilla co2 extract coffee arabica co2 extract cinnamon bark co2 extract lavender essential oi orange essential oil lemon essential oil rosemary essential oil lemongrass essential oil teatree essential oil citronella essential oil.