Palm leaves
Garden egg is a type of eggplant that is used as a food crop in several countries in Africa. It is a small, white fruit with a tear drop or roundish shape that is valued for its bitterness. A serving of eggplant can provide at 5% of a person's daily requirement of fiber, copper, manganese, B-6 and thiamine. It also contains other vitamins and minerals.
Avocado fruit have greenish or yellowish flesh with a buttery consistency and a rich, nutty flavor. They are often in salads and in many parts of the world they are eaten as a desert. Avocados are nutrient dense with folic acid, healthy monounsaturated fats, vitamin C, K additional B vitamins, potassium and other minerals and fiber.
Green bananas are firmer than the yellow bananas. Their texture has sometimes been described as waxy. Green bananas are higher in starches. As bananas ripen and turn yellow, the starches transform into sugars. Green bananas seem to be a good source of fibers, vitamins C, B6, provtamin A}, minerals bioactive compound such as phenolic compounds and resistant starch, potentially contributing to health benefits
A peanut is a plant that grows pods containing seeds that are known as peanuts, you may think of peanuts as nuts, but they are actually legumes. Despite the deceptive name peanut, this plant is more closely related to peas than it is to almonds and hazelnuts. Peanuts are especially good source of healthful fats protein and fiber. They also contain plenty of potassium, phosphorous, magnesium and B vitamins. Despite being high in calories, peanuts are nutrient rich and low in carbohydrates.
The banana is a lengthy yellow fruit found in the market in groups of 3-20 fruits, similar to a triangular cucumber, blong and normally yellow. Its flavor is more or less sweet, depending on variety, nutrition and eating. The apple banana is rich in fiber, potassium and some beneficial vitamins for health. A stubby, thick skinned, golden yellow fruit that is commonly known as apple banana this gourmet banana has a delicious, sweet taste with a hint of apple and strawberry. This short, plump, finger sized variety will turn dark yellow when ripe.
Is an herbaceous perennial in the family convolvulaceae grown for its edible storage roots. The plant has enlarged roots called tubers which act as an energy store for the plant. The plant tubers can be variable in shape and can be red, brown, white or purple in color. Sweet potatoes have a fusiform shape, orange color and thicker and hard rind. There are 2 types of sweet potatoes, those with dry flesh and those with gelatinous flesh. Sweet potatoes are a rich source of fiber as well as containing an array of vitamins and minerals including iron, calcium selenium and they are a good source of most of our B vitamins and vitamin C.
Also called benne, erect annual plant of the family pedaliaceae, grown since antiquity for its seeds, which are used as food and flavoring and from which a prized oil is extracted. The aroma and taste of sesame seed are mild and nutlike. Here are the health benefits of sesame seeds; good source of fiber, may lower cholesterol, nutritious source of plant protein, may help lower blood pressure, may support healthy bones, reduce inflammation, good source of vitamin B, may aid blood cell formation, may aid blood sugar control, rich in antioxidants, may support your immune system, may soothe arthritic knee pain, may support thyroid hearth, may aid hormone balance during menopause and easy to add to your diet.
Millet straw
4 millet straw coasters
Made with millet straw
Millet straw
Made with millet straw
Hand made from banana straw and raffia
Baby basket
Paper bead Lumpshades
Wooden Bowl
Soft Wood Jewellery
Paper bead