Meteor NPK formulations are suitable to apply for all plants in different growth stages. It is easily soluble in water completely. It contains micro elements that can be taken up quickly by the plant. Meteor keeps drip irrigation systems clean and does not causes clogging in the tubes.
We are thrilled to introduce you to an exceptional product! Biohumus organic fertilizer has been specially developed for use in fruit and vegetable production and in greenhouses. Thanks to the dissolved humic fulvic acid formed as a result of its fermentation, our product eliminates the need for farmers to use additional humate, humic acid, or leonardite. This not only saves you money but also time.
With 70% organic matter and 35% organic carbon content, Biohumus organic fertilizer addresses the lack of organic matter in the soil and provides the carbon that plants need. Additionally, it offers up to 300% water retention capacity, leading to reduced water consumption and alleviating plant stress during drought, thus enabling sustainable agriculture.
Furthermore, our product provides a minimum of 5% organic NPK content, ensuring that plants receive the necessary minerals and elements for healthy and balanced growth.
Increase productivity, reduce water consumption, and preserve the health of your plants with Biohumus organic fertilizer. Experience the difference for yourself by trying this exceptional product today!
For detailed information and to place an order, please contact us right away. We would be delighted to assist you in making your agriculture more efficient.
We are thrilled to introduce you to an exceptional product! Biohumus organic fertilizer has been specially developed for use in fruit and vegetable production and in greenhouses. Thanks to the dissolved humic fulvic acid formed as a result of its fermentation, our product eliminates the need for farmers to use additional humate, humic acid, or leonardite. This not only saves you money but also time.
With 70% organic matter and 35% organic carbon content, Biohumus organic fertilizer addresses the lack of organic matter in the soil and provides the carbon that plants need. Additionally, it offers up to 300% water retention capacity, leading to reduced water consumption and alleviating plant stress during drought, thus enabling sustainable agriculture.
Furthermore, our product provides a minimum of 5% organic NPK content, ensuring that plants receive the necessary minerals and elements for healthy and balanced growth.
Increase productivity, reduce water consumption, and preserve the health of your plants with Biohumus organic fertilizer. Experience the difference for yourself by trying this exceptional product today!
For detailed information and to place an order, please contact us right away. We would be delighted to assist you in making your agriculture more efficient.
is an organic activator fertilizer based of plant origin. It has a richly blended content that contains organic hormones, amino acids, seaweed, enzymes, solm liquid and organic carbon. It contains based nutrients, macro and micro elements that plants need for development and growth in organic form. It contributes positively to the general growing of all plants with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and micro elements. It works as a natural activator and minimizes the negative effects of stress conditions. It promotes healthy rooting and balanced growth with its organic hormone, alginic acid and enzymatic activity. It is carried up and down systemically in the conduction bundles. It increases flowering and fruit set as a very good energy source for all plants with its organic carbon content. By strengthening the plant physiology, it provides the formation of plants that are more resistant to diseases and pests. In soil applications, it increases the biomass and activity of the soil with its high organic carbon content. Therefore, it also use for the soil condutioner. With its natural organic activator content, it also increases their effects when mixed with all other products.
The Urea Fertilizer, provided by us, is widely recognized due to its quality. Acquiring our premium and high-grade range of product is hassle free as our organization is located in Johannesburg(South Africa), which is easily accessible by road, rail, and air. We offer simple and completely secured payment option that make trading with us completely hassle-free.