First class transparent 17 and 23 micron industrial pallet and machine stretches can be manufactured according to your needs.
Blinds, shutters, factory doors, road barriers, automatic doors, road blockers, side-door doors, 90 degree doors.
Basas ambalaj company since 1989 mainly specialized in production of high-qualitative pvc films. And now we are exporting our production at Middle East, Europe, Middle Asia.
PVC film, BOPP film.
PVC films for food packaging, BOPP, CPP, PET, CC, laminated packs.
GENERAL FEATURES - Electrical adjustment of backrest, legrest, height-up & down, Trendelenburg, Reverse Trendelenburg, Cardiac and Fowler positions - Nurse Control Panel - Side Rail Control Panels (Inside & Outside) - Mechanic and Electronic CPR - Rastomat Mechanism ( gradual height adjustment of calf section) - 4- piece, HPL lying surface - Headboard & footboard removable, side rails are foldable and Head/Foot boards and side rails made of polypropylene - 360 turning swivel casters equipped with central and directional lock (150mm) - Plastic bumpers in corners - Drainage bag holder hooks - Holes for accessories in corners -Height Adjustable IV Pole - 11 cm thickness mattress compatible with bed lying surface - X-ray transparent lying surface - Nano ceramic, electrostatic epoxy polyester powder metal parts - Back up battery for non-stop operation in case of power failure - Backrest regression - Minimum IPX4 protection - Angle indicators on the side rails - Two-piece, ABS plastic bottom part cover - 2 colomn and 2 linear motors OPTIONAL FEATURES -Availability of headboard, footboard and side rails stickers with different colors. -X-ray cassette holder. - Lockable head/foot board. - Foot extension. - Patienet weighting system. - Remote control. - 5th Caster. - Light under bed. - File holder.
GENERAL FEATURES - Electrical adustment of backrest, footrest, fowler position height adjustment, trendelenburg and reverse trendelenburg positions. - Remote Control Panel - Mechanical CPR(Just for Backrest) and Electric CPR - Rastomat mechanism (Gradual angle adjustment of calf section) - Four-piece HPL lying surface - Headboard&footboard removable, side rails are foldable made of polypropylene. - 360 turning swivel casters equipped with central and directional lock(150 mm) - Drainage bag holder hooks. - Holes for accesories in corners. - Plastic bumpers in corners - 11cm mattress compatible with lying surface of the bed - X-Ray transparent lying surface -Metal parts coated with zinc phosphate and vanished - Nano ceramic, electrostatic epoxy polyester powder metal parts -Back up battery - IPX4 protection -Angle indicatrs on the side rails. -2 colomn and 2 linear motors. OPTIONAL FEATURES -Availability of headboard, footboard and side rails stickers with different colors. - Lockable head/foot board. -Foot extension. - Remote control. - Battery -File holder.
Electronic adjustment of backrest, legrest, height-up & down, Trendelenburg,Reverse Trendelenburg, Cardiac and Fowler positions Nurse Control Panel Side Rail Control Panels Mechanic and Electronic CPR Rastomat Mechanism ( gradual height adjustment of calf section) 4- piece, HPL lying surface Headboard & footboard removable, side rails are foldable and Head/Foot boards and side rails made of polypropylene 360 turning swivel casters equipped with central and directional lock(150 mm) Plastic bumpers in corners Drainage bag holder hooks. Holes for accessories in all corners Height Adjustable IV Pole 11 cm thick mattress compatible with bed lying surface X-ray transparent lying surface Nano ceramic, electrostatic epoxy polyester powder metal parts Back up battery for non-stop operation in case of power failure Backrest regression Minimum IPX4 protection Angle indicators on the side rails 4 linear motors
PVC film, HDPE, LLDPE, LDPE Naylon bag, paper PA / EVOH / PE, OPP, peel, other printing and packaging products.
Tomato, lentil, chicken, noodle, broccoli, mushroom, in display 12 x 4 60 gr x 12 x 4.
Automotive machinery spare parts and medical supplies.
Parameter Type 30 BPW Piston Rod Length [mm] Lp 186 BPW 05.444.16.01.0 Stroke [mm] Ls 75 BPW 05.444.16.10.0 Thread Size M16 x 1,5
ULV Disinfectant Device Motor Power: 1600 W Voltage: 230 V Cable Length: 175 cm Tank: 5 Liters Particle Size: 0 - 49 micron Consumption: 0.33 lt / min Package Size: 41 cm x 19 cm x 48 cm Net Weight: 2 800 gr Gross Weight: 3.300 gr Particle Adjusting Valve: Optional
6.200 lt./min @ 7.5 bar 5.500 lt./min @ 10 bar 4.500 lt./min @ 13 bar 37 kw, 50 HP Main Motor Connection Diameter = 1 1/4" Electrical Equipments are SIEMENS Airend brand Rotorcomp or AERZENER from Germany Suction Valve HORBIGER from Germany. Cooler Brand Rotorcomp from Germany. 1000 x 1300 x 1650 mm 800 kg.
Ice cream-with chocolate 85 gr. Ice cream-with caramel flavour 75 gr. Ice cream-with sour cherry 75 gr. Ice cream-with cream flavour 75 gr. 12 x 4 in case
50 / 20 ton capacity c type deep drawing press Table dimensions ààààà.à 500 x 600 mm. Moving table dimensions à.... 480 x 600 mm. Strokeàààààààààààà..500 mm. (adjustable) Work capacity àààààà.à..600 mm. Main cylinder diameteràà....160 mm./ 250 bar Height of table from base .à950 mm. Advance speed ààààààà...150 mm/sec Pressing speed .ààààààà.32 mm/sec Return speed àààààààà.180 mm/sec Working pressure àà.ààà.250 bar (adjustable) Cushion capacityàààà..àà.20 ton (adjustable) Cushion cylinder diameterà.110 mm. Cushion stroke ààààààà.170 mm. (adjustable) Cushion dimensionsààà.àà390 x 460 mm. Motor powerààààààààà.11 kw 15 hp 1450 rpm/min. Pump ààààààààààà..àà.42 l/m. Hydraulic equipment àààààaron Electricity equipment à.àààsiemens Delivery period:stock Price :12.000 euro
GENERAL FEATURES -Electrical adjustment of backrest,leg rest,height-up&down,and Fowler positions -Manual adjustment of Trendelenburg positioon by gas spring -Side Rail Control Panel -Mechanic CPR -Ratomat Mechanism (gradual height adjustment of calf section) -4-piece,HPL lying surface -Removable headboard&footboard,foldable side rails made of polypropylene -360 turning caasters with cross lock (125mm) -Plastic bumpers in corners -Drainage bag holder hooks -Holes for accessories in corners -Height Adjustable IV Pole -11 cm thick mattress comtible with bed lying surface -X-ry transparent lying surface -Nano ceramic,electrostatic epoxy polyester powder metal parts -Backrest regression -Minimum IPX4 protection -Angle indicators on the side rails -3 linear motors
Garbage bag, plastic, floor tile, stretch film, duct tape.
120 gr x 12 35 gr, 40 gr, 50 gr x 24 x 6
Product weight 300 g Pieces in a box 12 Box gross weight 6000 g Box net weight 3600 g Box size 240 x 240 x 115 " Pallet type" Euro Palet Pallet size 80 x 120 cm Number of parcels on a plate 120