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Supplier From Konya, Karatay, Turkey
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Supplier From Konya, Turkey
Supplier From Konya, Selcuklu, Turkey
48 Hydraulic Equipments Suppliers
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Supplier From Konya, Secuklu, Turkey
Supplier From Konya, Turkey
Supplier From Konya, Turkey
Supplier From Konya, Turkey
Supplier From Konya, Turkey
Supplier From Konya, Turkey
Supplier From Konya, Turkey
Supplier From Konya, Turkey
Supplier From konya, Turkey
Hydraulic power unit for lifting automatic or manuel design also stable or portable for more tons on your demand and need.

1 peace on wood package.

Deep Drawing Press

MOQ: Not Specified
50 / 20 ton capacity c type deep drawing press
Table dimensions ààààà.à 500 x 600 mm.
Moving table dimensions à.... 480 x 600 mm.
Strokeàààààààààààà..500 mm. (adjustable)
Work capacity àààààà.à..600 mm.
Main cylinder diameteràà....160 mm./ 250 bar
Height of table from base .à950 mm.
Advance speed ààààààà...150 mm/sec
Pressing speed .ààààààà.32 mm/sec
Return speed àààààààà.180 mm/sec
Working pressure àà.ààà.250 bar (adjustable)
Cushion capacityàààà..àà.20 ton (adjustable)
Cushion cylinder diameterà.110 mm.
Cushion stroke ààààààà.170 mm. (adjustable)
Cushion dimensionsààà.àà390 x 460 mm.
Motor powerààààààààà.11 kw 15 hp 1450 rpm/min.
Pump ààààààààààà..àà.42 l/m.
Hydraulic equipment àààààaron
Electricity equipment à.àààsiemens

Delivery period:stock
Price :12.000 euro
For high efficiency, we use cold drawn seamless precision steel tubes (EN10305-1) made by TENARIS-ITALY
Max. Pressure 190 Bar
Special order is acceptable.
We guarantee the replacement of defective parts at no cost up to 12 month after delivery.
Hydraulic Bent Axis Piston Pumps

It is connected to the tractor with 3 hanger systems and works with the movement it receives from the tail shaft.

The blades cut shear between the harpses with two-way movement. (Harps are still in this model)

The automatic protection mechanism on it is switched on when it is stuck in an obstacle, preventing damage to the machine.

The wings behind the cutting section open the tractor wheel space, preventing the harvested product from being crushed and damaged by the wheel. It can be used even in small garden type tractors that do not tire the tractor.

There are two types of hydraulic and mechanical types.

It can be used efficiently in harvesting green feed crops and legumes.

Recommended use is 1-2 normal gears 10 -14 gas. (operator, field status may vary depending on tractor type.)
Supplier From Konya, Karatay, Turkey
48 Hydraulic Equipments Suppliers
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