Locust bean gum is a natural hydrocolloid extracted from locust tree seeds. The endosperm of carob seeds are separated from germ and testa by various processes then ground to locust bean gum. Locust bean gum imparts smooth flow properties, freeze- thaw stability and appropriate thickening to a wide range of products. It also improves gel strength when used in combination with K-Carrageenan. Locust Bean Gum provides brightness high viscosity the whitest coloured and highest gel strength. Locust bean gum dissolves completely above 75 C. Usage level : 0.1 â?? 0.9 %. We mainly produce the following Locust bean Gum grades;
Locust Bean Gum A-01 (2800 -3000 cps):Top grade Locust Bean Gum suitable for the products where high viscosity and whiteness are important.
Locust Bean Gum A-02 (2400- 2600 cps): Medium grade Locust Bean Gum suitable for the products where high viscosity is not very important.
Locust Bean Gum A-03 (2000 -2200 cps): Standard grade Locust Bean Gum suitable for the products where both high viscosity and whiteness are not very important.