Used for on-site high-voltage line inspection, identification of high-voltage system voltage level, inspection of high-voltage line faults, repair of neon lights, high-pressure sodium lamps, inspection of induced voltage, inspection of residual high voltage or induced voltage, etc.
Product Charactor:
1. Adopting non-contact induction technology, no need to touch the charged body, ensuring the safety of the operator.
2. Bright red LED and harsh buzzer sound and light alarm, easy to identify.
3.9 voltage levels cover various voltage levels. The voltage level can be customized according to user needs.
4. The self-check function ensures the accuracy of the electric test.
The main function of the precision panel saw is to use its structural characteristics, that is, to use two fixed saw blades-the scoring saw blade and the main saw blade, to manually push the mobile work made of the aluminum profile carrying the processed board parts The table moves back and forth to realize the sawing of the processed plate.The main structural feature of the precision panel saw is the use of two saw blades, namely the main saw blade and the scoring saw blade. When cutting, the scoring saw cuts ahead of time, and first cuts a groove with a depth of 1 to 2 mm and a width of 0.1 to 0.2 mm thicker than the main saw blade on the bottom surface of the processed board to ensure that The edge of the cutting edge will not tear when the main saw blade is cut, so as to obtain good cutting quality. The scoring saw blade has a small diameter, usually around 120mm, and is driven by a separate motor. It is required that the scoring saw blade and the main saw blade are aligned in the same vertical plane. The diameter of the main saw blade is generally 300-400mm, which is driven by the main motor through the V-belt.
The main function of the precision panel saw is to use its structural characteristics, that is, to use two fixed saw blades-the scoring saw blade and the main saw blade, to manually push the mobile work made of the aluminum profile carrying the processed board parts The table moves back and forth to realize the sawing of the processed plate.The main structural feature of the precision panel saw is the use of two saw blades, namely the main saw blade and the scoring saw blade. When cutting, the scoring saw cuts ahead of time, and first cuts a groove with a depth of 1 to 2 mm and a width of 0.1 to 0.2 mm thicker than the main saw blade on the bottom surface of the processed board to ensure that The edge of the cutting edge will not tear when the main saw blade is cut, so as to obtain good cutting quality. The scoring saw blade has a small diameter, usually around 120mm, and is driven by a separate motor. It is required that the scoring saw blade and the main saw blade are aligned in the same vertical plane. The diameter of the main saw blade is generally 300-400mm, which is driven by the main motor through the V-belt.
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