Sunflower oil refined deodorized frozen grade
Made of press oil. State Standard of Ukraine (DSTU) 4492
Production date: August, 2022
Packing :
Manufacturer : Private company
Nutritive value - 99.9 g of fat/100g
Energy value - 899 kcal/100g
Content of non-oleaginous impurities - no
Acid number, mg KOH/g - 0,18
Mass fraction of moisture and volatile substances - 0,1%
Peroxide number, m mol/kg - 1,2
Shelf life - 12 months.
Store in a dark place.
Conclusion:this oil in accordance with the checked quality indices complies with the requirements of the State Standard of Ukraine (DSTU) 4492, in accordance with safety indices the oil complies with the provisions of the State Sanitary Rules and Norms (D. San Pin)
Sanitary- hygienic standard (GN)
Without GMO.
1. Item, barcode - Unrefined sunflower oil
500 ml
Items per box - 20
Weight of sunflower oil in a bottle/seeds in a packing, kg - 0,46
Weight of a bottle with sunflower oil/packing with seeds, kg - 0,497
Box weight, kg - 0,342
Box size, cm - 30Ã??37Ã??20
2. Item, barcode - Refined sunflower oil
, 500 ml
Items per box - 20
Weight of sunflower oil in a bottle/seeds in a packing, kg - 0,46
Weight of a bottle with sunflower oil/packing with seeds, kg - 0,497
Box weight, kg - 0,342
Box size, cm - 30Ã??37Ã??20
3. Item, barcode - Unrefined sunflower oil
750 ml
Items per box - 15
Weight of sunflower oil in a bottle/seeds in a packing, kg - 0,69
Weight of a bottle with sunflower oil/packing with seeds, kg - 0,727
Box weight, kg - 0,33
Box size, cm - 28Ã??27,5Ã??27
4. Item, barcode - Refined sunflower oil
, 750 ml
Items per box - 15
Weight of sunflower oil in a bottle/seeds in a packing, kg - 0,69
Weight of a bottle with sunflower oil/packing with seeds, kg - 0,727
Box weight, kg - 0,33
Box size, cm - 28Ã??27,5Ã??2
5. Item, barcode - Unrefined sunflower oil
870 ml
Items per box - 15
Weight of sunflower oil in a bottle/seeds in a packing, kg - 0,8
Weight of a bottle with sunflower oil/packing with seeds, kg - 0,83
Box weight, kg - 0,34
Box size, cm - 36Ã??22Ã??27
6. Item, barcode - Unrefined sunflower oil
, 920 ml
Items per box - 15
Weight of sunflower oil in a bottle/seeds in a packing, kg - 0,85
Weight of a bottle with sunflower oil/packing with seeds, kg - 0,89
Box weight, kg - 0,34
Box size, cm - 40Ã??24Ã??27
7. Item, barcode - Refined sunflower oil
, 920 ml
Items per box - 15
Weight of sunflower oil in a bottle/seeds in a packing, kg - 0,85
Weight of a bottle with sunflower oil/packing with seeds, kg - 0,89
We are a group iwr potugal with several direct investments in mining and commodities and we are producers of Green Energy Sources (Biochar, Pellets and Green Hydrogen).
As far as commodities are regarded, all our suppliers must pass through a set of tests and compliance rules before doing business with us.
Our team of compliance uses our Network of Chambers of Commerce and Embassies to have this assurance.
Non-refined sunflower oil in big quantities. Available wordwide. All certificates on hand + you can ask for new ones, which can be controlled by your side. Shipping to all ports. Costs may vary, contact the MANAGER FOR FURTHER INFO.
Agrolog sp.z o.o. - a European company that is an exporter of oil crops, feed components and products of their processing from Ukrainian producers.
We offer:
- sunflower seeds;
- sunflower oil;
- rapeseed;
- rapeseed oil;
- corn;
- soy
Territorially, the company is located in Poland, but we deliver products throughout Europe. We offer the best possible solutions for our customers' logistics needs and ensure strict quality control measures at every stage.
Our international trade department can deliver throughout Europe and provide support throughout the delivery process. Every time, we calculate the most profitable delivery option and implement it.
We offer competitive prices and provide professional services.
Agrolog sp.z o.o. has the necessary KZR INiG and GMP+ quality certificates.
Our suppliers are proven agricultural companies that have maintained their high quality for many years.
Refined sunflower oil is used for low-to-extremely-high-temperature cooking. As a frying oil, it behaves as a typical vegetable triglyceride. Unrefined sunflower oil is a traditional salad dressing in Eastern European cuisines. Sunflower oil is also an ingredient in sunflower butter.
Good afternoon
We are exclusive suppliers of products High quality sunflower oil
Have all the necessary certificates
Sunflower oil is great for frying fish, potatoes, pastries, confectionery, salads and more. Withstands temperatures up to 225 degrees
If you are interested in cooperation, the purchase of small lots or bulk purchase, please contact us to discuss the conditions.
Sunflower oil Bottles 1l, 5l with your label. Payment of 50% after signing the contract, the rest of the money after loading. From the moment of signing the contract 10-15 days we ship the goods. Currently supplied under FCA terms. Refined oil price 1.80$ per litr
Refined, Winterized, Deodorized, Bleached.
Standards: Conform Norm CEN/TC 307 or Standard of production country, and
International Standard Organization ISO/TC 34/SC11, International Food Standards of United
Nations and FAO Codex Alimentarius CODEX STAN 210-1999 Standard for Named
Vegetable Oils.
Quality: Fit for human consumption, free from foreign matter, any other oil or animal fats.
Color: Light yellow, clear and transparent.
Odor: Neutral odor, without an artificial odor additive.
Visibility: Without any deposition and blurriness.
Taste: Neutral, without an artificial taste, free from rancidity or any strange or bad taste and smell.
Shelf Life: 24 months
Sunflower Oil
Origine: Ukraine
Packaging: 1L
Labels: EN, PL, DE
Payment: Cash and carry - Warsaw - Product ready for pick up.
MOQ: 21 800 L
Product is registered in EU and has all needed certificates.