Melon helps relieve stress, relieve insomnia and helps with frequent bronchial diseases such as cough, asthma and colds. It is rich in potassium, with the role of sodium from the body due to excessive sodium and is conducive to high blood pressure. When melon is rich in beta-carotene, it is converted to vitamin A to protect the mucosa. Prevent and improve various eye diseases. Melon is an alcohol-decomposing agent that helps to relieve hangovers. The melon's beta-carotene component is a classic antioxidant that helps prevent skin aging and anti-cancer effect.
At this time, It's a season to harvest watermelone in Korea. We ara having many kind of it form 6kg to 10kg and black rind watermelone. the price of FOB is about USD$ 2,800. and we are having melone and all kind of agicultures in Korea. Please feel free to contact to us anytime.