A-grade sorted and mixed used bags. Ladies handbags, backpacks, suitcases, and school bags are mixed. Cotton bags are not included Bags are packed in 45/100kg bales.
All kind of used bags 1. All mixed bag grade a - 100kgs 2. All mixed bag grade a - 80kgs 3. All mixed except school bag grade a - 80kgs 4. School bags grade a- 80kgs 5. All mixed bag grade a+ - 20kgs no press 80kgs 100kgs per a bale with press 20kgs per a bag with no press
Water supply bag Product name : Movable water-supply container Use : Supply water in case of emergency (earthquake, typhoon, environmental Pollution, etc) Size in full state : 3*2*0.5(m) Size in empty state: 0.9*0.7*0.25(m) Example : This product may be delivered by helicopter or truck and then water-supply vehicle supply water After use, a person may carry this empty product due to light weight Materials : Poly urethane Manufacture state : republic of korea