The electromagnetic flow meter HMF 2110 series is the most common and highly accurate flow measurement device that can be universally used in various measurement fields. Since there is no driving part like a propeller, no trouble is caused due to pressure loss, and the durability is excellent In addition, since the installation is simple with the flange type, even a beginner can easily install it through simple training. The sensor measures the flow rate by direct contact with the fluid,, thus a more reliable flow rate value can be obtained, and the reproducibility is also excellent If you are looking for a flowmeter that can be used with confidence, choose the HMF 2110 series without hesitation.
Quick Start
Self diagnostic
Easy Maintenance
â?¢ Due to high stability, popular for water flow measurement
â?¢ Excellent durability due to no driving part
â?¢ Electrode and lining materials are selected for measuring chemical flow
â?¢ There is no pressure drop, which reduces electricity costs.
* Sensor installation method : Flange mounting type (Standard: JIS, DIN, ANSI, etc.)
* Accuracy : �±0.2% (flow rate 0.1 m/s or more)0.2% (flow rate 0.1 m/s or more)
* Max Minimum Flow : 0.05 m/s ~ 10 m/s (Flow rate by diameter)
* Measuring pipe caliber : 6 mm ~ 2,000 mm
* Measurable fluid : Water, sewage, wastewater, chemicals, etc. (Conductivity of 5�¼S /cm or more)
* Power : 110 ~ 220 V AC / 60 Hz
* Operating temperature : Sensor (40 ~ 70 â??), Operation: (18 ~ 60 â??)
* Screen display contents : LCD Size: LCD Display 100 x 55, 3 Line, 16 Characters, Instantaneous flow rate (4 digit), accumulated flow rate (9 digit), pressure (4 digit)
* Flow display unit : Unit: m3, L, etc. / Directions: Forward & Reverse (-)
* Electrode : Hastelloy C
* Liner: NBR, Hard Rubber, EPDM
* Flange : Carbon Steel
* Flow measurement frequency : 1.875 ~ 12.5 Hz
* Sensor cable length : 100m
* Output signal : 4 ~ 20 mA, Integrated pulse active , Passive (Max 10 kHz), Relay pulse (Max Load 24 V DC / 1A)
* Communication and memory : RS 232, RS 485 Modbus 128 Mbyte internal memory: date, time, instantaneous flow rate, accumulated flow rate, Pressure memory interval: 5 seconds ~ 24 hours
* Protection class : Sensor unit: IP 68 / Operation unit: IP 65
* Self diagnosis function : Alarm display when empty pipe information and self diagnosis error occur
For more details on quality Korean flowmeters, please feel free to visit and contact us.
Low maintenance cost and easy installation
Long lasting performance: No maintenance and repair for 6 years
â?¢ Intelligent information can be output by providing advanced statistical data and
diagnostic programs
â?¢ Maximum tolerance of Class 1 meter: 1% in convection area ( Q2 â?¤ Q â?¤ Q4) 3 % in small
area (Q1 â?¤ Q â?¤ Q2)
* Measuring caliber 25 mm ~ 1,200 mm
* Domestic Approval : 50 mm, 65 mm, 80 mm, 100 mm, 125 mm, 150 mm, 200 mm, 250 mm, 300 mm, 350 mm
* Composition : Detection unit: Electronic sensor / Conversion unit: input unit, operation unit, output unit, indicator
* Accuracy Full Scale: 0.2% (65 mm ~ 250 mm: 1st grade / 50 mm, 300 mm, 350 mm: 2nd grade)
* Max. Measureable Flow Rate : 10 m/s
* Display unit and contents : Accumulated flow (m3): 9 digit x 1 (forward, reverse, modification available) Instantaneous flow rate (m3 / h): 4 digits, date, time, alarm (battery life and empty pipe) and data logger
* Measurement function : Low flow cut off: 0 ~ 9 of maximum flow
* Measurement frequency : Battery Type : 1/5 Hz / AC Type : 6.25 Hz
* Max working pressure : 1.0 MPa ~ 1.6 MPa
* Input : 4 ~ 20 mA pressure gauge signal (Loop Powered Terminal): AC Type
* Output : 1 Instantaneous flow rate (4 to 20 mA) 1 - AC Type
2 accumulated flow (O.C Pulse) - Pulse Load 5 ~ 35 V DC / 50 mA
(Common for AC & Battery Type)
* Liner : Hard Rubber
* Electrode Hastelloy C
* Housing/Flange : Carbon Steel
* Communication and internal memory : RS 485 MODBUS: AC Type / Internal memory: Date, time, instantaneous flow rate, accumulated flow rate, and pressure Memory interval: 5 seconds ~ 24 hours (1 year storage upon 1 minute interval storage)
* Power Battery Type : 3.6 V DC (Life span 7 years) / AC Type : 110 ~ 220 V AC
* Temperature : Ambient temperature: 20 ~ 60 / Storage temperature: 30 ~ 70 (humidity up to 95%)
* Protection class : Detection unit (IP 68) / Converter (IP 65)
Water industry / Wastewater treatment industry
For more details on quality Korean flowmeters, please feel free to visit and contact us.
Wide Beam Transducer (Broadband ultrasonic measurement function)
Determine the transmission frequency by finding the resonance frequency of the pipe
according to the outer diameter, material, and thickness of the pipe
â?¢ Little error occurs due to stable signal reception
â?¢ Excellent measurement stability even when there are air bubbles slurry (30% or less),
scale generation, changing temperature and density. How to install
â?¶Pipe Configuration (automatic correction of disturbance factors)
â?¢ In actual industrial sites, sufficient straight pipe without interference is required for
accurate flow measurement
â?¢ If no sufficient straight pipe is secured ;
- Re estimation of correction factors for disturbance factors and distances from
disturbance factors, self compensation.
- It has the same accuracy as that in which a sufficient intuition is secured even at
a short distance from the disturbance factor.
â?¶Other Functions
* Diagnostic Menu (Self diagnosis function)
* Auto Zero (Automatic zero adjustment function)
* MultiPulse Transmission (Multi pulse function)
* Liquid Class Menu (Fluid selection function)
* Ultrasonic firing method : Wide beam
* Flow measurement range : 0.0003 m/s ~ 30 m/s (by diameter)
* Accuracy : HUF 2000N: within 0.5 ~ 1% (Normal / Precision sensor)
HUF 2000DN: Within 0.5% (Precision sensor)
* Measurable pipe diameter : 6.4 mm ~ 6,000 mm
* Measurable pipe material : Steel, ABS, Aluminum, Black Iron, Brass, Cast Iron, Copper,
Ductile, Glass, Hastelloy, etc.
* Measurable fluid : Water, Wastewater, Oil (Turbidity 30,000 mg / L or less, Bubble 30% or less)
* Power : 110 ~ 220 V AC / 60 Hz
* Operating temperature : General sensor (40 ~ 120 â??), High temperature sensor
(40 ~ 230â??), Indicator (18 ~ 60â??)
* Display : HUF 2000N: 100 x 55 / HUF 2000DN: 120 x 64
* Display contents: Instantaneous flow rate (4 digit), Accumulated flow rate (8 digit),
Flow rate (3 digit), Pressure (4 digit), Ultrasonic velocity (Vs ), Air volume (Air), Signal
* Flow / Time display unit : m3 & L / Forward & Reverse (--) / Second (s), Minute (min),
Hour (h) & Day
* Input signal : HUF 2000N: 1 pressure signal / HUF 2000DN: 2 4 ~20 mA, 2 RTDs
* Output signal : 4~20 mA, Integrated pulse, RS232 / RS 485 MODBUS
* Protection grade : Sensor: IP 68 / Indicator: IP 65
* Sensor cable length : Max. 600m
* Storage content and capacity : Date, time, instantaneous flow rate, integrated flow rate,
pressure, signal intensity, ultrasonic velocity, etc. Memory storage at regular intervals
(5 sec. ~ 24 hrs.) (1 year can be stored at 1 min. intervals)
Low maintenance cost and easy installation
Long lasting performance: No maintenance and repair for 6 years
Intelligent information can be output by providing advanced statistical data and diagnostic programs
Maximum tolerance of Class 1 meter: 1% in convection area ( Q2 â?¤ Q â?¤ Q4) 3 % in small area (Q1 â?¤ Q â?¤ Q2)
* Measuring caliber 25 mm ~ 1,200 mm
* Domestic Approval : 50 mm, 65 mm, 80 mm, 100 mm, 125 mm, 150 mm, 200 mm, 250 mm, 300 mm, 350 mm
* Composition : Detection unit: Electronic sensor / Conversion unit: input unit, operation unit, output unit, indicator
* Accuracy Full Scale: 0.2% (65 mm ~ 250 mm: 1st grade / 50 mm, 300 mm, 350 mm: 2nd grade)
* Max. Measureable Flow Rate : 10 m/s
* Display unit and contents : Accumulated flow (m3): 9 digit x 1 (forward, reverse, modification available) Instantaneous flow rate (m3 / h): 4 digits, date, time, alarm (battery life and empty pipe) and data logger
* Measurement function : Low flow cut off: 0 ~ 9 of maximum flow
* Measurement frequency : Battery Type : 1/5 Hz / AC Type : 6.25 Hz
* Max working pressure : 1.0 MPa ~ 1.6 MPa
* Input : 4 ~ 20 mA pressure gauge signal (Loop Powered Terminal): AC Type
* Output : 1 Instantaneous flow rate (4 to 20 mA) 1 - AC Type
2 accumulated flow (O.C Pulse) - Pulse Load 5 ~ 35 V DC / 50 mA
(Common for AC & Battery Type)
* Liner : Hard Rubber
* Electrode Hastelloy C
* Housing/Flange : Carbon Steel
* Communication and internal memory : RS 485 MODBUS: AC Type / Internal memory: Date, time, instantaneous flow rate, accumulated flow rate, and pressure
Memory interval: 5 seconds ~ 24 hours (1 year storage upon 1 minute interval storage)
* Power Battery Type : 3.6 V DC (Life span 7 years) / AC Type : 110 ~ 220 V AC
* Temperature : Ambient temperature: 20 ~ 60 / Storage temperature: 30 ~ 70 (humidity up to 95%)
* Protection class : Detection unit (IP 68) / Converter (IP 65)
Water industry / Wastewater treatment industry
¶Wide Beam Transducer (Broadband ultrasonic measurement function)
?¢ Determine the transmission frequency by finding the resonance frequency of the pipe
according to the outer diameter, material, and thickness of the pipe
â?¢ Little error occurs due to stable signal reception
â?¢ Excellent measurement stability even when there are air bubbles slurry (30% or less),
scale generation, changing temperature and density. How to install
â?¶Pipe Configuration (automatic correction of disturbance factors)
â?¢ In actual industrial sites, sufficient straight pipe without interference is required for
accurate flow measurement
â?¢ If no sufficient straight pipe is secured ;
* HUF 2000N / HUF 2000DN (Compensation Type Ultrasonic Flow Meter)
- Re estimation of correction factors for disturbance factors and distances from
disturbance factors, self compensation.
- It has the same accuracy as that in which a sufficient intuition is secured even at
a short distance from the disturbance factor.
â?¶Other Functions
* Diagnostic Menu (Self diagnosis function)
The attenuation degree, correlation degree, and noise degree of the ultrasonic received
signal can be known and quantified to display empty pipe information, strength of the
received signal, bubble content, S/N ratio, etc.
* Auto Zero (Automatic zero adjustment function)
In the first installation, zero point can be automatically adjusted without stopping the
flow. Periodic automatic zeroing can prevent zero deformation caused by other factors.
* MultiPulse Transmission (Multi pulse function)
The pulse signal to analyze the time difference waveform transmit 50 pulse signals per
measurement cycle, thus it has excellent measurement sensitivity and stability of
ultrasonic signals.
* Liquid Class Menu (Fluid selection function)
A list of about 30 types of fluids is provided. When selecting fluids, the expected
ultrasonic velocity (m / s), viscosity ( cS ), density (SG), and data are automatically
entered and the pipe temperature range can be selected. Pipe Data Menu (Pipe
selection function With more than 40 types of standard pipes and custom pipes built in,
you can enter pipe outer diameter, material, and thickness using a list of pipe class and
size options.
We manufacture and produce main faucets and relevant products used in bathrooms
and kitchens. Wonjin Metal Incheon Branch offers high quality products to domestic
faucet business such as DADA, Daelim B&CO, and Kelim, based on long experience.
Wonjin Metal Incheon Branch is now taking more than 65% of market share in Korean
industry of faucets and related products.
1: Feed pipe
2: Trap
3: Angle valve
4: Pop-up
When fluid flows through the specially designed meter body, little asymmetry leads the fluid to access one of the side walls, and some of the fluid is discharged while the remainder flows to the passageway by the Coanda Effect.
The fluid is then detatched from the side wall and deflected in the opposite direction to move to the side wall in a periodically repeated manner.
The electrode detects the electromotive force generated by this process for flow measurement.
As the fluid flows through the tube, the reflectors and ultrasonic sensors installed on both sides use time differences to detect the flow velocity.
The measured propagation time is accurately calibrated and displayed by the internal program designed by the Company.
Reflectors are also precisely machined to ensure non-interrupted transmission of ultrasonic waves without adsorbing any pollutant contained in the water.
Installation of Electronic Water Meter + Wireless Outdoor Display
This is Koreaâ??s first electronic water meter that is embedded with a wireless communication module, which requires no connection between the water meter and the outdoor display.
Traditional water meters use communication lines to connect to external displays, making the installation difficult and costly. Also, the limited installation space results in inefficient meter-reading.
The SES electronic water meter is equipped with a wireless module inside, which does not require any extra communication line work to connect to the outdoor display. This means that installation costs can be significantly reduced by just attaching it to a wall without the need for any installation work, and space is not limited, which helps to improve the meter-reading environment.
Description - "it Is A Flowmeter For Measuring Fluid Flow Rates In An Enclosed Conduit.
It Has The Karman's Vortex That Is Proportioned To The Velocity Of Fluid In The Down Stream Of Trigonal Prism (delta Body). "
Origin - Korea
Size - 15a ~ 300a
"packaging Details
(w*d*h)/mm" - 500*300*200
Weight(kg) - 3 ~ 20
FOB ($) - " Retail Price
+ (Shipping Cost) "
MOQ - 1set
NOTE - All the product information may be changed depending on the specification.
Alkali water Purpose of use >
Improvement of Stomach Symptom
(chronic diarrhea , Indigestion, Un-normal Fermentation , Hyperacid) through elecrtroysis , (pH) 8.5 ~10.0 Alkali water
< Acid water Purpose of Use>
Improvement for release of Atopy
(Applied for exporting products)
~1) Alkali Water : 1~4stage
2) Acid Water : 2 stage
3) Purified Water
Turbine Flow Meters which have advantages of simple structure, light weight, high accuracy and easy installation, measure liquid which has no impurities and no chemical corrosive reaction with stainless steel . The measurable liquids include water , diesel and methanol, etc.
Wide range of liquid measurement
High accuracy and excellent repeatability
Easy installation and energy saving
Easy to read LCD Back light.
Specific Gravity Correction 0.01 2.00
Display Accumulated amount reset, accumulated flow display, instantaneous
flow rate display, gallon or liter unit change, automatic integration
Lamp indication
Flow display
Battery life 4 5 years
Auto on and off