Listening to music at high volumes in noisy surroundings can seriously damage your hearing.
Our earphone gets prevented the injury of the eardrum with very minute vibration from high pneumatic pressure in the ear when listening to music loudly at high sound db.
That is to say, vibration will be increased and direct sound will be reduced at high sound db.
Therefore we can listen to music by vibration without immediate affection by loud sound.
Also our earphone has a perfect waterproof function free from water. Therefore we will be able to listen to music freely from water in swimming pool, beach and from sweat when exercising.
So we named our earphone 'waterproof vibration earphone'.
Our company had ever taken part in the cebit2007 in hanover, germany and in this year we have also participated in the ces2008 in las vegas, usa with our waterproof vibration earphone. There our waterproof vibration earphone had got huge interest from a lot of overseas buyers.