TDS for display can analyze organic thin-film with glass material and it is designed to hold and load the sample according to the form.
Model : FRP plastic cover Standard: Flexible Configuration: FRP & Steel frame Features: In general, the role of the sewage treatment plant is to reuse the factory waste water, living waste water, livestock waste water generated from factory, home and fields and the polluted water through separate treatment process and discharge them to river or sea. For this processing of sewage or waste water in the sewage treatment plant, it is required to install the plastic cover on the top of storage tank to prevent the harmful gas or bad odor generated in the tank that stores the waste water and purifies microorganism by chemical reaction or in the process of waste water treatment in the above tank. The installation of this plastic cover is to remove the harmful gas or bad odor and minimize the physical and mental damage of the related people in the working place or residents.
1.Model: ST-100, ST-140, ST-80, ST-12, 2. Capacity: Capacity 250T per a day, 140T per a day, 80T per a day, 12T per a day 3.Configuration: Flow rate tank - Anaerobic tank - Cultivation tank - Intermittent aeration tank - Precipitation tank - Discharge tank 4.Option: UV sterilizer / Flow meter 5.Features: Remove organic compound, nitrogen and phosphorus simultaneously, Strong against shock load of influent water / Excellent processing efficiency / Easy maintenance / Excellent odor removal Mechanism 1. High efficiency of treatment (BOD 98%, t-n 83%) 2. Self-purification of stream by indigenous microorganism in the discharged water 3. Relief effect of mosquito larva 4. Advantageous when using the dehydrated cake as manure 5. Increase of applicability for the change of impact load (flow rate, water quality, temperature) 6. Prevent the civil complaints due to the removal of bad odor (less than environment standard, as a result of analysis by KIST) 7. Increase of sludge precipitation by indigenous microorganism 8. Experiment of mosquito relief using the indigenous microorganism
1.Model: MSTT-100, M-200, M-300, M-400, M-500, M-600, M-501, M-6, 2.Standard: W 3200 X L 8000 x H 2750, 3.Configuration: Man: urinal 7ea, stool 2ea / Woman: stool 2ea 4.Option: Toilet for the disabled/ diaper rack for babies 5.Features: No discharge system mobile toilet Features - Heating/Cooling equipment - Freeze prevention system - MP3 music system - Regular checking system - No need of water supply/sewage - No sewage discharge - Recycling circulating system of flushing water
Introduction - A Toilet designed to use it pleasantly as the appearance looks clean with the clean, natural and simple concept image by creating the harmonized image with the leaves and urban image. 1.Model: Triangle, M-L 2.Standard: W 0000 X L 0000 x H 0000 3.Configuration: Man: urinal 2ea, stool 4ea / Woman: stool 1ea 4.Option: Toilet for the disabled/ diaper rack for babies 5.Features: No discharge system mobile toilet Features - Heating/Cooling equipment - Freeze prevention system - MP3 music system - Regular checking system - No need of water supply/sewage - No sewage discharge - Recycling circulating system of flushing water
1.Model: Round 2.Standard: W 0000 X L 0000 x H 0000 3.Configuration: Man: urinal 1ea, stool 1ea / Woman: stool 2ea 4.Option: Toilet for the disabled/ diaper rack for babies 5. Features: No discharge system mobile toilet Features - Heating/Cooling equipment - Freeze prevention system - MP3 music system - Regular checking system - No need of water supply/sewage - No sewage discharge - Recycling circulating system of flushing water