Sieve standard: 100% by weight shall stand on a sieve with round holes of 5.00mm (screen 13). Garbling status: Un garbled May include: Broken beans of less than 1/3 of a bean size, blacks/browns and defective beans of the prescribed size.
Sieve Standard: 100% by weight retention on a sieve with round holes of 5.00mm (screen 13). May include: Black/dark brown beans, damaged beans such as bleached (spongy) beans, insect damaged beans, spotted (more than a quarter of a bean surface) beans, stinker and sour beans.
Sieve Standard: No sieve requirement Garbling status: Clean garbled Tolerance Flats (AB): 2% by weight PB Triage: 3% by weight
We use Robusta the highest grade of Robusta , which is mostly exported from India. We have sourced it from a single source in Coorg , Karnataka . This grade is not retailed in India because of the higher price. We decided to give you the best coffee and kept our operating and marketing cost low to pass it on to you . Robusta is easier to care for and has a greater crop yield than Arabica, so is cheaper to produce. RoastedRobusta beans produce a strong, full-bodied coffee with a distinctive earthy flavour, but usually with more bitterness than arabica due to its pyrazine content. The powerful flavour can be desirable in a blend to give it perceived “strength” and “finish”, noticeably in Italian coffee culture. Good-quality Robusta beans are used in traditional Italian espresso blends, at about 10-15% to provide a full-bodied taste and a better foam head (known as crema).
Sieve standard: Minimum 90% by weight retention on a sieve with round holes of 6.65 mm (Screen 17). 100% by weight shall stand on a sieve with round holes of 6.00mm (Screen 15). Garbling status: Clean Garbled Tolerance PB:2% by weight Triage:2% by weight
Robusta Cherry AA Sieve standard: Minimum 90% by weight retention on a sieve with round holes of 7.10 mm (Screen 18). 100% shall stand on a sieve with round holes of 6.65mm (Screen 17). Garbling status: Clean Garbled Tolerance PB: 2% by weight Triage: 1% by weight
Sieve standard: 100% by weight retention on a sieve with oblong holes of 4.50 mm (Screen 12 oblong) Garbling Status: Clean garbled Tolerance AB: 2% by weight PB Triage: 2% by weight
Sieve standard: Minimum 90% by weight retention on a sieve with round holes of 6.65 mm (Screen 17). 100% shall stand on a sieve with round holes of 6.00mm (Screen 15). 10% beans passing through the sieve of 7.10mm and standing on the sieve of 6.65mm shall be whole beans. Garbling status: Clean Garbled Tolerance PB:2% by weight Triage: No Tolerance
Sieve standard: Minimum 90% by weight retention on a sieve with round holes of 6.65 mm (Screen 17). 100% shall stand on a sieve with round holes of 6.00mm (Screen 15). Garbling status: Clean Garbled Tolerance PB:2% by weight Triage:2% by weight
Sieve standard: 100% by weight shall stand on a sieve with round holes of 5.00mm (screen 13).
Sieve Standard: 100% by weight retention on a sieve with round holes of 5.00mm (screen 13). May include: Black/dark brown beans, damaged beans such as bleached (spongy) beans, insect damaged beans, spotted (more than a quarter of a bean surface) beans, fungal damaged beans, sours and green beans.
Sieve standard: Minimum 75% by weight retention on a sieve with round holes of 5.50 mm (screen 14). 100% by weight shall stand on a sieve with round holes of 5.00mm (screen 13).
Sieve standard: Minimum 90% by weight retention on a sieve with round holes of 6.00 mm (screen 15). Not more than 1.5% by weight shall pass through a sieve with round holes of 5.50 mm (screen 14). Garbling Status: Clean garbled Tolerance PB: 2% by weight Triage: 3% by weight
Sieve standard: Minimum 75% by weight retention on a sieve with round holes of 5.50 mm (screen 14). 100% by weight shall stand on a sieve with round holes of 5.00mm (screen 13). May include: Triage, small whole beans of the prescribed sieve size, light beans, boat shaped beans and spotted beans (less than a quarter of a bean surface). Shall not contain more than 2% of blacks/browns or bits.
Sieve standard: Minimum 90% by weight retention on a sieve with round holes of 6.00 mm (screen 15). Not more than 1.5% by weight shall pass through a sieve with round holes of 5.5 mm (screen 14). Garbling Status: Clean garbled Tolerance PB: 2% by weight Triage: 3% by weight
Greanbean Robusta from Indonesia. Price USD 3200 per ton. FOB : Tj.Priok Jakarta. Indonesia.
Product Description Robusta is a strong, caffeine-flavored Coffee. Robusta Coffee has less acidity than Arabica (lower acidity), but tastes bitter and faker than Arabica. In addition, the Robusta caffeine content is much higher than that of Arabica, giving it a very strong taste.
robusta coffee from sumatera indonesia , premium quality , green bean / roasted coffee , certificate product
UGANDA Robusta Screen 15/16 from own Factory in Kampala. Polished, Clean, No Dust.
Caffeine 95%