Sio2: 60%
Mgo: 28%
Cao: as required
Size: 200#, 300#, 400#, 500#, 600#, 700#, 800#, lumps.
We are processors of talc/soapstone mineral. Our monthly capacity of powder is 7000mt. We can supply material of your requirement in most competetive prices.
1) paints
2) pharma
3) plastic
4) ceramics
5) cosmetics
6) paper
Feldspar minerals are sodium, potassium aluminosilicates.
this material naturally found in the mine without blending or mixing (Na %4-5 and potassium %4-5) so the behavior of the material will be fixed.
this material is very good for sanitary were or in body or special glaze
Sand particles range in diameter from 0.0625 mm to 2 mm. An individual particle in this range size is termed a sand grain. Sand grains are between gravel (with particles ranging from 2 mm up to 64 mm) and silt (particles smaller than 0.0625 mm down to 0.004 mm).
we can reach up to 45 micron milled sand with magnetic separation
• Beach nourishment: Governments move sand to beaches where tides, storms or deliberate changes to the shoreline erode the original sand.
• Brick: Manufacturing plants add sand to a mixture of clay and other materials for manufacturing bricks.
• Cob: Coarse sand makes up as much as 75% of cob.
• Mortar: Sand is mixed with cement and sometimes lime to be used in masonry construction.
• Concrete: Sand is often a principal component of this critical construction material.
• Glass: Sand is the principal component in common glass.
• Landscaping: Sand makes small hills and slopes (for example, in golf courses).
• Glaze, frit, ceramic, instead of quartz
• Paint: Mixing sand with paint produces a textured finish for walls and ceilings or non-slip floor surfaces.
• Railroads: Train operators use sand to improve the traction of wheels on the rails.
• Roads: Sand improves traction (and thus traffic safety) in icy or snowy conditions.
• Sand animation: Performance artists draw images in sand. Makers of animated films use the same term to describe their use of sand on frontlit or backlit glass.
• Sand casting: Casters moisten or oil molding sand, also known as foundry sand and then shape it into molds into which they pour molten material.
L.o.I (1100 C)
Uses of feldspar
Feldspar use in several industries like
1- glass industry : by percent 10-15% from the formula that chemical balance happen due to presence of aluminum and basis contain 4-6% K2O, 5-7% Na2O, about 19% Al2O3, and less than 0.1% Fe2O3. Feldspar is used mainly as a source of alumina, which improves both the workability of the glass melt and the chemical and physical stability of the finished product. It also provides the alkaline oxides (Na2O, K2O) that provide fluxing in partial substitution for calcium oxide, which improves chemical resistance,
2- ceramic , porcelain and pottery : as flux to accelerate the melting operation that feldspar melt in lower temperature than the other materials in the formula so can enter to the chemical and physical reaction during melting .
3- other uses : as scraping off material ,
4- filler material in plastic ,
5- rubber ,
6- painting industry .
7- know as electric isolator ,
8- dental ,
9- a flux in welding electrodes,
10- adhesives,
11- coatings.
12- In filler applications it offers low vehicle demand, high dry brightness with low tint strength, and resistance to abrasion and chemical degradation. In coatings it also provides good film durability and high resistance to chalking and frosting.
13- Some intergrowths of orthoclase and albite have an attractive pale lustre and are called moonstone when used in jewellery. Most moonstones are translucent and white, although grey and peach-colored varieties also occur. In gemology,
14- The gemstone commonly called rainbow moonstone is more properly a colourless form of labradorite and can be distinguished from "true" moonstone by its greater transparency and play of colour, although their value and durability do not greatly differ.
Al2O3 Fe2O3 TiO2 CaO MgO K2O Na2O P.F. 1100°C
18.7 0.14 0.33 0.57 0.19 0.1 10.5 0.4
Feldspar minerals potassium, aluminosilicates. Their ores are commonly associated with quartz.
we have Nak feldspar, k feldspar 1st and 2nd grade.
we can reach up to 45 micron milled feldspar with magnetic separation.
Uses of feldspar group:
Feldspar use in several industries like
1- glass industry: by percent 10-15% from the formula that chemical balance happen due to presence of aluminum and basis contain 4-6% K2O, 5-7% Na2O, about 19% Al2O3, and less than 0.1% Fe2O3. Feldspar is used mainly as a source of alumina, which improves both the workability of the glass melt and the chemical and physical stability of the finished product. It also provides the alkaline oxides (Na2O, K2O) that provide fluxing in partial substitution for calcium oxide, which improves chemical resistance,
2- ceramic, porcelain and pottery: as flux to accelerate the melting operation that feldspar melt in lower temperature than the other materials in the formula so can enter to the chemical and physical reaction during melting.
3- other uses: as scraping off material,
4- filler material in plastic,
5- rubber,
6- painting industry.
7- know as electric isolator,
8- dental,
9- a flux in welding electrodes,
10- adhesives,
11- coatings.
12- In filler applications it offers low vehicle demand, high dry brightness with low tint strength, and resistance to abrasion and chemical degradation. In coatings it also provides good film durability and high resistance to chalking and frosting.
13- Some intergrowths of orthoclase and albite have an attractive pale lustre and are called moonstone when used in jewellery. Most moonstones are translucent and white, although grey and peach-colored varieties also occur. In gemology
Al2O3 Fe2O3 TiO2 CaO MgO K2O Na2O P.F. 1100°C
17.1 0 .044 <0,01 0.08 0.05 12.4 1.77 0.4
Dolomite is a carbonate mineral composed of calcium magnesium carbonate CaMg (CO3) 2. The term is also used to describe the sedimentary carbonate rock dolostone.
we can make the crushed grain size as customer need,
there is different analysis
Dolomite is used as
1- an ornamental stone,
2- a concrete aggregate,
3- a source of magnesium oxide and in the Pidgeon process
4- for the production of magnesium.
5- It is an important petroleum reservoir rock,
6- a flux for the smelting of iron and steel.
7- Large quantities of processed dolomite are used in the production of float glass.
8- production of frit for glaze.
9- added to soils and soilless potting mixes to lower their acidity and as a magnesium source.
10- the substrate in marine (saltwater) aquariums to help buffer changes in pH of the water.
11- one of the basic raw materials in the manufacture of flat glass, which are added by 12% as magnesium oxide helps add to the speed of the glass melting process.
12- in the manufacture of refractories due to the high melting temperature to 2800 ° C and therefore is used in the ovens foundries in Tlies containers.
13- used in the steel industry as well as used in furnaces making steel oxygen and furnaces arcs electric –
14- is also used in furnaces smelting to reduce the melting temperature of slag