The backrest is an essential must-have for anyone required to spend long hours in bed.; after Heart surgery CABG, patients with reflux, aged and elder care, Pregnancy, Nursing homes, Post Palliative and anyone needing comfort. We cater to the PLUS Size Market as well. It is also a dream come true for anyone who likes to sit up in bed to watch TV, work on a laptop or just relax on that rare day off work. Sitting up can be a pain in the lower back for many people, but with this uniquely designed feather and down pillow, the pain ceases to exist. Watching TV | Reading | Gaming | Studying Relaxing | Hobbies | Nursing | Spa.
bamboo pillowcases, it's can help to get better sleep. with soft on your skins, comfortable for your head, cool for your neck, and relax on your shoulder. it's so worth it! Standard pillowcases size, and stretchy and follow the pillow shape