Name Avocado Hass Appearance Oval shape of the variety Consistency Firm Foreign materials Free External moisture Free Color Green uniform Origin Colombia Quarantine pests Free Mechanical damage Non Fruit below the dry matter % Fruit exceeding the dry matter % Tolerance for lentical damage 15% Tolerance for sunburn 15% Tolerance for the presence defect 5% Thrips damage < 10% Sizes 12 a 18 (15%) Packs per Container USA: Pack in 2240 boxes of 11.5 kg EUROPE: Pack in 3168 boxes of 4 kg, sizes from 12 to 24 CUSTOMIZED: Pack in 2240 boxes of 10 kg, sizes from 12 to 32
Varieties Navels Late navels Valencias Fresh Citrus from our fields in the San Joaquin Valley and Southern California is available at its peak eating quality. Our Citrus groves and packing plants are among the finest in the industry. From December through Mid summer - California's oranges boast to be some of the tastiest & juiciest amongst the bunch.