Whole gutted, head on, scales on, fins and tail on, individually wrapped, 300-455 grs, 456-680 grs, 681-907 grs, 908 and up, 13% glaze, 60 lb/27.2 kg master case.
1. Pacific hake landfrozen 200 -300gr or 400 -500gr
Packaging 10, 15, 20 kg
2. Mackerel 100 - 300gr or 300 - 400gr
Packaging 10, 15, 20 kg
3. Chum salmon 6-9 lbs
Large packaging of 500kg
- sardine cans 125gr in oil
- minimum 70% fish
- maximum 6% water
- can without any mark for private labeling
- packed in boxes
- easy open
Thanks for your help,
Anthony m. Cottone
(561) 929-1668 cell
(561) 208-6089 fax
2400 sw 22 ave #512
Delray beach, fl 33445
Skate Wings (Amblyraja Radiata), Frozen / Skin-on or Skinless
Origin: New England, USA
Size: 250-450 grams and 450-900 grams
Pack: each wing individually poly-wrapped inside 5 kg or 10 kg cartons
Quantity: 4+ FCL per month
Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus Keta), Frozen/HG
Size: 4-6 lb / 6-9 lb / 9+ lb
Description:Net Caught. Headed and Gutted / IQF / packed in pallet size totes of approximately 1200 lbs/ each.
Good Meat Color with 10-15% of Pale Meat Color
Origin: Alaska, USA
Quantity: Approximately 126,000 lbs
21 totes of 4-6 lb
71 totes of 6-9 lb
14 totes of 9+ lb
Black Skipjack Tuna (Euthynnus Linneatus), Frozen/Whole Round
Origin: Mexico down to Panama.
Size: is 2-3 kg per piece, with 10% down to 1 kg and 10% up to 5 kg
Quantity: 500 MT
Northern Anchovies (Engraulis Mordax), Frozen/Whole Round
Origin: Baja California, Mexico
Production: November 2017
Size: 20cm and up, 20 grams and up
Pack: 15 kg block, poly wrapped
26 MT per FCL X 40 ft
Quantity: 500 MT per month starting in November 2017 until end of January 2018
Monkfish, Lophius americanus
1,000 master cartons 20 MT
Size 3 , 4 and 5 fish per 20 kg master carton
January 2018 Production All NEW production ** winter catch only **
March delivery to Busan
This fish is plate compression frozen the same day it is landed.