Lepu test - 25 tests pack and 1 test pack - in stock Germany - 0.89
Lepu tests:
7,000,000 (7 million) - 25 tests per package - price â?¬ 0.89
5,000,000 (5 million) - 1 test per package - price â?¬ 0.89
Manufacturer certification: TV EN 13485: 2016
Type of specimen: smear anterior nasal area
Evaluation time: 15 minutes
Clinical sensitivity: 95.06%
Clinical specificity: 99.62%
If interested, just let us know
Lepu tests:
7.000.000 (7 million) - 25 test per package Preis 0,89
5.000.000 (5 million) 1 test per package Preis 0,89
Herstellerzertifizierung: T EN 13485:2016
Art of the Probe: Abstrich vorderer Nasenbereich (anterior nasal)
Auswertungsdauer: 15 Minutes
Clinical Sesitivit: 95.06%
Clinical Spezifit 99.62%
officially approved by the BfArM test
suitable for lay use
rapid sampling through the nose
user-friendly step-by-step instructions
Test result within 15 minutes
LYHER Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Antigen Test Kit (Colloidal Gold) from the manufacturer Hangzhou Laihe Biotech Co., Ltd., China
offiziell durch das BfArM zugelassener Test
geeignet f�¼r Laienanwendungen
schnelle Probenentnahme durch die Nase
benutzerfreundliche Schritt-f�¼r-Schritt-Anleitung
Testergebnis innerhalb von 15 Minuten
LYHER Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Antigen Test Kit (Colloidal Gold) des Herstellers Hangzhou Laihe Biotech Co., Ltd., China