Millet is a good source of protein, fiber, key vitamins, and minerals. The potential health benefits of millet include protecting cardiovascular health, preventing the onset of diabetes, helping people achieve and maintain a healthy weight, and managing inflammation in the gut.
Millets have numerous health benefits, including helping to lower your blood sugar and cholesterol levels. They are also gluten-free, so can be enjoyed by people with celiac disease or gluten sensitivities.
Finger millets ( also known as Ragi) is a rich healthy cereal grown in cultivation farms. The vitamins, minerals, and fiber found in finger millet can provide important health benefits.
Finger millet is also an excellent source of Vitamins.
Foxtail is one of those forgotten grains that were a part of ancient Tamil culture. Foxtail millet, called Thinai in Tamil, is offered to Lord Muruga, the patron deity of Tamil Nadu. Foxtail millets are high in iron content and these millets are totally pest-free. Foxtail not only not need any fumigants, but act as anti-pest agents to store delicate pulses such as green gram. They also control blood sugar and cholesterol levels and increase HDL cholesterol.
Pearl Millet A cereal, used a lot in rural India, it has a high fiber content. The most common millet is pearl millet , which is an important crop in India. India is the largest producer of pearl millet. Very famous in Rajasthan, it is the most famous type of millet. Pearl Millet with sarsoon da saag is one of India's signature dishes from the farms. These brown grains incorporate a nutty and bittersweet after taste. It is commonly prepared as a bread and stuffed parathas whereas the flour can be used to make dokhlas and chaklis. Bajra should always be consumed fresh therefore it is best to purchase it in small quantities.
Proso millet is important minor millet grown in India. The crop is able to evade drought by its quick maturity. Being a short duration crop (60 -90 days) with relatively low water requirement, this escapes drought period and, therefore, offers better prospects for intensive cultivation in dry land areas. Under unirrigated conditions, proso millet is generally grown during kharif season but in areas where irrigation facilities are available, this is profitably grown as summer catch crop in high intensity rotations.
Botanical Name Hulled Millet
Season Available all the year
Packing depends on clients preferences for
1 package material eg jute bags polypropylene bags etc and
2 package weight eg 10 kg 20 kg 25 kg 50 kg etc
Millet is a traditional grain in India and the crop grows with less water than other crops. This is particularly apparent when it is compared with rice. Millet will grow on poor soil, it suffers from few diseases and the harvested crop can be kept for a long time.
Amaranth millet is known as Rajgira or Ramdana, and is rich in protein and dietary fibre along with calcium, vitamins and other minerals. Ideal for a healthy diet, this millet lowers cholesterol levels and is good for dealing with cardiovascular risks, as well as keeping hair loss and greying at bay.
Known as Kuttu in India, Buckwheat millet is one of the most common types of millet, often used during fasting time. Buckwheat millet is known to help in reduction of blood pressure, providing good cardiovascular health, and helping in overall weight loss. Buckwheat millet is also a good supplement to treat asthma in children, gallstones and cancer
A fitness enthusiast's go-to food as an alternative to rice and wheat, finger millets are popularly known as Ragi. With the highest calcium content of any millet, finger millets are rich in proteins and amino acids, as well as iron and other minerals. A gluten-free variant of millet, Ragi brings good roughage and fibre to the food we eat. This helps in easy digestion, thus keeping a check on constipation as well. Finger millets are known by many names such as Ragi (in Kannada, Telugu and Hindi), also Mandua/Mangal in Hindi, Kodra (Himachal Pradesh), Mandia (Oriya), Taidalu (in Telangana region), Kezhvaragu in Tamil.
One of the most ancient millets is the pearl millet, also known as bulrush, cattail, or spiked millet in English, bajra in Hindi, dukhn in Arabic, and mil chandelles or petit mil in French, and as mhunga or mahango in parts of southern Africa. Since it is rich in iron, fibre, protein and minerals like magnesium and calcium, it has tremendous health benefits for overall health and wellness; also ideal for tackling with Type II diabetes
Ragi is also called as Finger Millet (Eleusine coracana) it is a rich source of Protein and is a good alternative to traditional grains. Some varieties have double levels of protein as compared to rice. It contains amino acids which are readily absorbed by the body.
Some of the potential uses of ragi millet include using it as flour for making bread, Dosa, Idli, porridge, etc As a thickener in soups and stews; It can be used as an alternative to traditional cereal.
Benefits: Helps Fight Heart Diseases, High Protein content , Keeps you young , Anti Cancer Potential
Nutritional Values per 100g:
FAT 1.92g
ENERGY 320.74kcal
Kodo millet also called as Paspalum Scrobiculatum has been grown for at least 3,000 years as a cereal in India only, although the wild grass is a widespread tropical weed. The amount of proteins in Kodo millet is much higher than other major cereal crops such as rice and wheat.
Benefits: Easy to Digest, Rich in Dietary Fiber, Gluten Free.
Nutritional Info per 100g:
FAT 2.55g
ENERGY 331.74kcal
Kutki Millet (Little millet) Saame in Kannada and Saava in Marathi, scientifically also known as Panicum sumatrans is reported to have 37% - 38% of dietary fibre, highest among cereals and is termed as nutraceutical. It has B-vitamins, minerals like calcium, iron, zinc, potassium which are important for growing kids to strengthens the body.
Benefits: Helps Fight Heart Diseases, Help Fight Diabetes, Improves Digestion, Rich in Anti Oxidents