.Health services
.Health, medical
.Weight reducing program
.Medical services
.Beauty services
.Ambrosia health centre quebec, health care, massage therapy, osteopathy, yoga, meditation, life coaching, infrared light sauna, aromatherapy, kinesitherapy, body care
.Research related pharmacy
.Kidney hospitals, kidney care, laparoscopic surgery, lithotripsy centre, dialysis centre
.The program includes; style, personal style, colour, makeup, wardrobe assessment and shopping etiquette, personal and business etiquette wellness, personal life coaching, fitness, wellness screening and nutrition.
.Haircare services
.Quantum pendent scalar energy
.Brain feedback and biowave therapist
.Vaccine, all type of immunoglobulins, specialty medicines
Beautician's materials.Health and beauty services
.Beauty clinic
Weight loss, slimming health capsule, slimming coffee, slimming tea.Lose weight, improvers, weight loss, slimming
.Advice on small pets, specifically on hamsters, various homeopathic remedies offered
.HIV home tests, HIV type, home tests, HIV type II home tests, gonorrhea home tests, chlamydia home tests, hepatitis b home tests, hepatitis C home tests, prostate home tests
.Health services