Supplier: Health care product, acupuncture needle
Services: Physio therapy and rehabilitation
Services: Traditional healer looking for chinese medicine to help overweight patients
Supplier: Medical equipments
Services: Acupuncture, naprapathy, massage, chiropractic therapy, skin scraping and cupping, chinese medicine and regimen, facial beauty, weight loss, health consultation, training for skeleton system, nervous system, digestive system, the genitourinary system, mental behavioral disorders, cardiovascular diseases and skin diseases. (diseases such as apoplexy, facial paralysis, arthralgia syndrome, chronic prostatitis, depression, sleep disorder, hives and neurodermatitis, training: co-training with the academy of chinese medical sciences, a long-term student recruiter for chinese medicine, acupuncture and naprapathy, free medical consultation and no charge for registration.
Services: Acupuncture
Services: Acupuncture
Services: Acupuncture treatment, acupuncture therapy, painless acupuncture, harmless acupuncture treatment, acupuncture medical science, alternative medicine acupuncture therapy, acupuncturist consultant, acupuncturist consultant, psychotherapist consultant, spondlytis treatments, backache treatments, headache treatments, nervousness treatments, depression treatments, tension treatments, addiction treatments, painful condition mind body, psychosomatic therapy, psychosexual disorders therapy, psychiatric problems therapy, acupuncture in mumbai, acupuncture therapy in india, dr. Jagdish shah, member of british medical acupuncture society, mumbai, india
Services: Medicine
Services: Medical and medicine business
Services: Ophthalmic medicines and services