The Soursop fruit contains significant amounts of vitamin C, vitamin B1, and vitamin B2. Soursop is also high in carbohydrates, particularly fructose and contains a unique set of phytochemicals called annonaceous acetogenins, which are only found in the Annonaceae family (to which Soursop belongs). The leaves of Soursop are also rich in all-natural, plant-based compounds that can help to support the immune system and may promote healthy cell growth. Soursop also helps to maintain blood pressure levels within the normal range.
Features & details
The Soursop fruit contains significant amounts of vitamin C, vitamin B1, and vitamin B2. Soursop is also high in carbohydrates, particularly fructose and contains a unique set of phytochemicals called annonaceous acetogenins, which are only found in the Annonaceae family (to which Soursop belongs). The leaves of Soursop are also rich in all-natural, plant-based compounds that can help to support the immune system and may promote healthy cell growth. Soursop also helps to maintain blood pressure levels within the normal range.
Features & details
Own Produce/ Manufacture for Assorted Fresh Fruits, Process Food/Fruits Product for Food Consume/Pharmaseutical andMedication Use. (Dried/Powder/Juice Extract)
Our Main product:
Variety of Melon
Pineapple MD2 variety
-Direct from farm
-Dried, not fried
-No add sugar
-No Preservatives
**Hand picked daily and process immediately
**100% natural dried fruits snack from Malaysia heritage site
**Produced based on the traditional and enzymatic value of fresh fruit
**Vitamin C Preservation is 95% compared to frozen fruit snack
Xklcare sky fruit concentrate
Xklcare sky fruit concentrate is made from 100% natural sky fruit that is being advanced bio-technologically processed and prepared. The quality of xklcare product has earned worldwide recognition.
Sky fruit is largely found in tropical areas in the south pacific especially solomon islands, the cleanest and unpolluted place. The native people there have consumed sky fruit internally for over 1000 years. It is known as the queen of plants and the knowledge of its health properties has been handed down from generation to generation until present day. Sky fruit is also found in small quantity in other tropical areas of the world.
Prior to 2000, sky fruit had never been harvested and processed commercially on a large scale basis. Xkl worldwide is the first company to discover a way to process the fruit and keep the vital components intact to the final product.
Xkl worldwide harvests sky fruit exclusively in solomon islands since xkl worldwide had discovered that the sky fruit grown there is 30% richer in the vital nutrients and components than fruit grown elsewhere. Xkl worldwide had developed a 7-step quality assurance program. Strict standards are followed on every batch.
Xkl sky fruit fibre
Xkl sky fruit fibre is activated and formulated with 100% natural nutritious high fibre from sky fruit extract, glucose, fruits and vegetables fibre with other ingredients. It functions to detoxify toxins and improve digestive system to revitalize your body energy.
Detoxifies and clears bowel toxins
Alleviate liver detoxification functions and regulate endocrine system
Improves metabolism
Are you feeling older day by day? have you realized that nowadays you are less energetic or fit enough to perform your daily routine as before? or when were the last time you felt great about yourself? or you may have noticed that your stool is unlike those when you were young, having a poor appetite or difficulty in getting quality sleep?
If you have the said symptoms, it is time for you to get to know xkl sky fruit fibre; you would sure need it to improve your daily excretion habit. The basis of health begins from proper intestinal function. Once digest system unable to perform well, poor nutrition would occur; further affecting the blood circulation and ending up with chronic diseases. Hence, we must understand that medical science has proven a critical fact relating to diseases >> constipation.
Should you have a proper digest function, good appetite, smooth in passing motion, pinkish complexion and full of energy, then you should owe credits to xkl sky fruit fibre.