Discover the captivating charm of Blackhead Persian sheep, renowned for their distinctive appearance and exceptional traits. These elegant creatures showcase a striking black head and a white body, creating a stunning visual contrast. Known for their gentle temperament and adaptability to various climates, Blackhead Persian sheep are a prized choice for farmers. With an average price of $67 , these valuable animals offer excellent value for money. Whether you seek to enhance your flock or embark on a new farming venture, embrace the beauty and versatility of Blackhead Persian sheep.
Live Animals cows.
Contact us for all your needs with your contact details for a great offer. Sheep' Awassi Sheep of 40-50kg cost $60 each Awassi Sheep of 50-60kg cost $70 each Awassi Sheep of 65-75 kg cost $65 Awassi Sheepp of 80-100kg cost $70 each Awassi Sheep are sold for $70 each Pig and Piglets: Piglets of 50-60kg cost $75 each Piglets of 65-75 kg cost $100 Pigs 80-100kg cost $90 each Pregnant pigs are sold for $120 each We have 52 Beefmaster bulls, 60 Bonsmara bulls, 30 Braford bulls 15 Brangus bulls, 30 Boran bull 25 Heifers 60 Calves and 20 Master bull Etc We raise them from kidding right up to adults then bring them on stock, They are very healthy and with good sizes. it should come to you that the following can be used for slaughter as well as breeding.Animals are all grassland risen and capable for different climate zones They are above 15 months of age and they weight 300kg - 600kg and above.they stand 130cm tall at the shoulder.All animals are sanitary and bloodline certified with excellent genetics. All cattle are supplied in excellent healthy condition and disease free, pedigree, good conformation and high quality, according with your sanitary requirements.
Cattle from Brazil
Professional sourcing, supplier and airfreight of Goat, Sheep, Livestock and Wildlife from South Africa. All export documentation prepared, airfreighting and export customs clearing. Hand crafted travel containers for all animal transport. Transport from South Africa Worldwide. Only premium quality livestock sourced, alternatively if you have sourced your own stock, we take care of all airfreighting and clearances at the most competitive prices.
Electric Livestock Prod Handle made of ABS materials, with Lithium-Ion rechargeable battery tube (2500mA) Input Voltage: 7V Input Current: 0.82A Power: 5W Output: Transient Voltage: 9000V Openrating Instruction: 1. Wrap strap around your wrist. 2. Swift to "ON" position. 3. Press trigger 4. Make contact with animals 5. Release trigger 6. Switch to "OFF" position.
Alfalfa Medicago Sativa Animal Feed Alfalfa (medico sativa) is a perennial legume grown throughout the world. It is recognized as a premier forage because of its higher relative feed value. It is very high levels of crude protein content (15% â?? 23%) and exceptional roughage values making it an ideal feed for daily cattle. Additionally, alfalfa can be high in some required minerals such as calcium and phosphorous. The combinations of these factors of milk, as well as improve the health of dairy animals. All types are classes of forge-consuming livestock appreciate alfalfa, and perform well on it including beef cattle, sheep, goats and horses.
The Holstein Friesian is an international breed or group of breeds of dairy cattle. It originated in the Dutch provinces of North Holland and Friesland and in Schleswig-Holstein in northern Germany. It is the dominant breed in industrial dairy farming worldwide, and is found in more than 160 countries.
The Holstein Friesian is an international breed or group of breeds of dairy cattle. It originated in the Dutch provinces of North Holland and Friesland and in Schleswig-Holstein in northern Germany. It is the dominant breed in industrial dairy farming worldwide and is found in more than 160 countries.
The Gir or Gyr is an Indian breed of zebuine cattle. It originated in the Kathiawar peninsula in the state of Gujarat, and the name of the breed derives from that of the Gir Hills in that region. Other names include Bhodah, Desan, Gujarati, Kathiawari, Sorthi and Surti.
The Gir or Gyr is an Indian breed of zebuine cattle. It originated in the Kathiawar peninsula in the state of Gujarat, and the name of the breed derives from that of the Gir Hills in that region. Other names include Bhodah, Desan, Gujarati, Kathiawari, Sorthi and Surti.
The Jersey is a British breed of small dairy cattle from Jersey, in the British Channel Islands. It is one of three Channel Island cattle breeds, the others being the Alderney now extinct and the Guernsey. The milk is high in butterfat and has a characteristic yellowish tinge.
Generally, jersey cow gives more milk while desi cow gives less quantity of milk but quality of desi cow milk (A2) proved to be best and it has some medicinal properties and doctors recommend to pregnant women, children. Also, diabetics and heart patients should consume it.
Sahiwal cattle is a breed of Indian zebu cow, named after the Sahiwal district of modern-day Pakistan.. The cattle is mainly found in Punjab province of Pakistan, and Indian states of Punjab, Haryana, & Rajasthan. Sahiwal is considered a heat-tolerant cattle breed.
Sahiwal cattle is a breed of Indian zebu cow, named after the Sahiwal district of modern-day Pakistan.. The cattle is mainly found in Punjab province of Pakistan, and Indian states of Punjab, Haryana, & Rajasthan. Sahiwal is considered a heat-tolerant cattle breed.
Black Angus beef cattle are popular with ranchers due to their ease of keep and large amount of meat produced. Numerous byproducts can also be made from the bone, hooves, hide, hair, and fatty acids. These byproducts include gelatin, film, baseball gloves, shampoo, cosmetics, and crayons.
The Charolais or Charolaise is a French breed of taurine beef cattle. It originates in, and is named for, the Charolais area surrounding Charolles, in the Sa´ne-et-Loire department, in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comt region of eastern France.
The Hereford is a British breed of beef cattle originally from Herefordshire in the West Midlands of England. It was the result of selective breeding from the mid-eighteenth century by a few families in Herefordshire, beginning some decades before the noted work of Robert Bakewell.
The American bison, also called the American buffalo or simply buffalo, is a species of bison native to North America. It is one of two extant species of bison, alongside the European bison.
The American bison, also called the American buffalo or simply buffalo, is a species of bison native to North America. It is one of two extant species Hundreds of years later, the term buffalo is still commonly used to refer to bison. It can be confusing, however, because buffaloes are animals of their own, with water buffaloes living in Asia and Cape buffaloes, or African buffaloes, living in Africa.of bison, alongside the European bison.