Request a quote for PET Preform
Customizable PET Preforms are available in an array of colors and dimensions, with crystal clear appearance, and excellent gas barrier properties while ensuring odor and taste-free.
Preforms are 100% recyclable, clean and hygienic, and suitable for liquid usage.
Standard or custom-made designs on-cooler PC gallons and dispensers for water come with crystal clear in appearance, durable for a maximum number of refills ensuring odor and taste-free.
Polycarbonate gallons are 100% recyclable, clean, hygienic, and suitable for soft water usage.
We also manufacture PET Bottles & Gallons as well as Plastic Caps & Handles
Request a quote for PET Preform at
Customizable PET Preforms available in an array of colors and dimensions, with crystal clear appearance, and excellent gas barrier properties while ensuring odor and taste-free.
Preforms are 100% recyclable, clean and hygienic, and suitable for liquid usage.