Fitted on board with banana socket and circuit diagram
Fitted on board with banana socket and circuit diagram
Mounted on board with banana socket and circuit diagram
To verify Ohm’s Law, consists of one dial type rheostat, M065 moving coil voltmeter 5 volt & miliammeter 500 mA, mounted in spray pointed metal box with terminals, Supplied without resistance coil and power supply.
Versatile instrument to verity ohms law as well as law of resistance in series & parallel, consists of two meter, five transparent resistance coils and a step down transformer giving 1.5, 3, 4.5 volts, housed in metal case & provided with on/off witch, LED indicator and lead wire
Continously variable with two MO65 moving coil analog meters. The unit is fabricated keeping stringent engineering standards in mind and susing best available components. The unit has voltmeter and ammeter, pilot light, on/off switch and provided with 2 terminals for output along with four knobs for coarse and fine voltage an current control Available : 15/30 Volt, 1 Amp
Basic feature are the same as 653 but output is displayed on two 3½ digit panel meter. Available : 15/30 Volt, 1 Amp
With built - in power supply and two MO65 moving coil meters, workable on 230 volts AC fitted with diode valve on front panel. Consistof Hight voltage : 0-250 volts AC at 25 mA continously variable Low voltage : 6.3 volts AC at 2 amps with built in rheostat for filament current control.
With built - in power supply and two MO65 moving coil meters, workable on 230 volts AC fitted with triode valve on front panel. Consist of Hight voltage : 0-300 volts AC at 30 mA continously variable Bias : 0-15 volts DC at 5mA continously variable.Low voltage : 6.3 volts AC at 2 amps with built in rheostat for filament current control.
PN Junction Diode App.) with built in dual power supply, workable on 230 volts AC, fitted wtih semi conductor diode and meter connection are brought out on panel with separate terminals, Four MO 65 moving coil meters 90 V, 100uA, 3V and 15 mA are provided. Output Bias : 0-1 volts DC continously variable (for forward bios) Input Bias : 0-30 volts DC continously variable (revese bias)
Same as 657 but with 2 dual range MO65 moving coil meters
With built in dual stabilized continously variable power supply, workable on 230 Volts AC, fitted with PNP transistor AC 128 on front panel, different terminals of transistor and meter connection are brought out on the panel with separate terminal, fitted with four MO 54 moving coil mters of 3V, 250uA, 50mA, 10V.
To study Efficiency & Ripple factor in Half wave, Full wave & Bridge rectifier on application of load & filters, instrument compresies of AC power supply, two MO 65 moving coil meter 20V and 250 mA to measure output voltabe & output cuurent, four diiodes, fitlr cicuit kit, load resistance ca, be selected using band switch
With built in stabilized power supply, workable on 220 volt AC, fitted with FET FW 10, power supply and three MO 65 moving coil meters, 3V, 15 mA, 15V.
With built-in dual stabilized power supply workable on 220 volts AC, fitted with UJT 2N 2646 on front panel, different terminals of UJT, power supply and meter connections are brought out on the panel, fitted with three MO 65 moving coilt meters 15v, 1.5 / 60mA-dual range and 30 V.
Provideed with two AC meter 5V and 25mA, one inductance, three resistances and three capacitors with separate terminals for measurement of ‘Q’ value.
With built in power supply having 2 meters, workable on 220 volts AC photo electric cell mounted in a metal box with slit to hold filter, provied with light source.
To Study RC time constant during chargin and discharginf o capacitor, with built in sabilized power supply, workable on 220 volt AC, three differenct resistances and capacitors are mounted with separate terminals for different graphs, provided with DC Voltmeter & Milliammeter
With built in power supply to operate cathode ray tube, on voltmeter shows deflection voltage, C.R.T is mounted on teak wood stand with graph. Anothre wooden stand is provided to hold bar magnets and deflection magnetotomer.
To study frequency and waveshape generated by Colpitt Oscillator, instrument comprises of 12 V DC regulated power supply.