Description: A High quality soil conditioner processed from high quality crystalline limestone using an advanced technological milling plant.
Uses/Applications: Used as a soil conditioner/amendment.
Benefits: - Increases the pH of acidic soil
- Provides a source of Calcium & magnesium for plants
- Permits improved water penetration for acidic soils
- improves the uptake of major plant nutrients (NPK) in acidic soil
Shelf Life: Indefinite, but a maximum of 5 years is recommended.
Description: High Calcium source processed from high Calcium quality crystalline lime stone using anadvanced technological milling plant. Animals need Calcium for bones and teeth formation ,strong egg shell, nerve impulses transmission, muscle excitability, cardiac regulation, blood clotting and activation of enzymes.
Uses/Applications: Used as a nanimal feed additive
Shelf Life: Indefinite, but a maximum of 5 years is recommended.