Collagen is a natural animal derived protein, essential to human life: 1/3 of total body protein content (2/3 of the skin)
It holds it all together: Skin, bones, muscles, blood vessels, tendons, cartilage, and teeth.
Good News: Exists naturally in our body
Bad News: Decreases with age
Collagen is the most abundant protein in our body, comprising about one-third of the total protein
Collagen peptide is prepared by decomposing gelatin into smaller particles using proteinase
How much collagen do we need?
Yesterday: As humans consume animal byproducts, they have consumed collagen (gelatin) since ancient times.
Today: Gelatin in the form of collagen peptide, has opened a new frontier in the health, food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry.
Increased solubility & absorbability -> High versatility & applicability
Known facts: Human body utilizes between 2,000mg to 5,000mg collagen/day in people above 20 years old. A person must therefore consume at least a similar amount to �¢??break even�¢?? Collagen Genki Ramune Soda contains 4,000mg(4gm) of Fish Collagen Peptide!
Benefits of Collagen Peptide
Heart Health: Research indicates that collagen may help reduce the risk of heart related conditions. Collagen peptide helps soften the arteries thus reducing the chances of atherosclerosis �¢?? a disease characterized by narrowing of the arteries. Collagen provides structure to your arteries. Without enough collagen, your arteries may become weak and fragile.
Tissue Repair: Collagen essentially works as scaffolding and helps regenerate tired and torn tissues of muscles, bones, tendons, cartilage, and skin. It helps in tendon repairing during forceful and strenuous sports activities.
Skin Health: Collagen helps to promote healthy, radiant skin by nourishing our body. Collagen actually is the nutritional building block required to improve skin structure. 75% of our skin is collagen. It is the key component for supple and radiant healthy skin.
Bone Health: Research has shown that daily intake of collagen peptide helps to restore bone mineral density, support healthy bone metabolism, and help preserve bone health.
Muscle Health: Creatine helps improve muscle mass, build strength, and improve athletic performance. Collagen contains amino acids �¢?? arginine and glycine, which are the important building blocks for creatine. Collagen can reverse the aging trend in people diagnosed with sarcopenia, age related muscle loss.
Eye Health: Collagen helps maintain the pigmented layer of the retina and the clear gel that fills the eyeball. Collagen is an amazing nutrient that helps the eyes stay young.
Corn steep liquor is an excellent source of organic nitrogen in the form of water-soluble amino acids. Unlike many organic sources of nitrogen, like manure or fish emulsion, corn steep liquor-derived fertilizers are versatile and low volume, easily applied as a foliar spray or root drench.
Complementing its high nitrogen content, corn steep liquor is also a source of phosphorus, potassium, and other micronutrients like iron, manganese, and sulfur. It is, in essence, a natural all-purpose fertilizer, shown to increase growth and yields in various crops, from mung beans to peppers to tomatoes.
The organic honey of Thailand holds significant value for importation due to several key factors:
1. Pure and Healthy Origin: The honey is sourced from unpolluted virgin forests, free from environmental pollutants. This ensures the purity and healthiness of the honey, making it an attractive option for consumers seeking high-quality organic products.
2. Innovation in Beekeeping: The transition from traditional beekeeping to organic beekeeping in many bee-yards signifies a commitment to innovation. This shift requires education for beekeepers to adopt organic practices, contributing to the production of honey with enhanced quality and organic standards.
3. Diverse and Seasonal Varieties: Thailand's honey production includes various types of honey known for their distinct flavors, stemming from different botanical origins and seasonal variations. Notable examples include Dimcarpus fumatus, Sesamum orientale, and Croton and others. This diversity adds to the appeal for consumers seeking unique and seasonal honey options.
4. Abundant Annual Production: With an annual honey production of about 10,000 metric tons, Thailand has a substantial output, ensuring a consistent supply for importers. The potential for multiple harvests in areas with beekeeping potential further contributes to the reliability of the supply chain.
5. Royal Endorsement for Sustainability: The 80th-anniversary message from H.M. the Queen emphasizes sustainable agriculture and conservation. The recognition of the role of bees in pollination for organic honey production aligns with growing global awareness of the importance of sustainable and eco-friendly practices.
6. Biodiversity of Honey Bees: The presence of unique honey bee species, such as the Black Dwarf Honeybee (Apis andreniformis) and Red Dwarf Honeybee (Apis florea), adds an element of biodiversity to the honey production landscape. The rarity of these species and their contribution to honey production during specific seasons can make the honey more appealing to consumers.
7. Potential for Exportation: The high demand for Longan honey, especially considering its potential as organic honey, opens up opportunities for exportation. The global market for organic products provides a platform for Thailand to showcase its unique and organic honey varieties to a broader audience.
In summary, Thailand's organic honey is a promising import choice due to its commitment to organic beekeeping, diverse honey varieties, substantial annual production, and alignment with global trends in sustainability and organic agriculture.