Parmesan is only Reggiano and its unmistakable taste is appreciated in every corner of the earth as well as being protected thanks to the Protected Designation of Origin mark. the history of the most famous aged cheese dates back many centuries- The tradition of this historic product and symbol of Made in Italy is protected and ensured by the Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese Consortium. The history of Parmigiano Reggiano dates back to about 900 years ago. Today, as then, the ingredients are always the same: water, salt, milk and a lot of patience for seasoning. Most of the dairies that today produce Parmigiano Reggiano, make it with the milk of the Frisian cows, which arrived in the provinces of Reggio at the beginning of the last century, but those who still rely on red cows produce a cheese of superior quality.
Sicilia Fredda is proud to bring you its local produce Sicilian Pecorino cheese DOP. The Pecorino Siciliano DOP is produced exclusively with whole sheep's milk, fresh and coagulated with lamb rennet. The Pecorino Siciliano DOP has a cylindrical shape with flat sides with a 10-18 cm high side. The weight of the wheels varies from 8 to 12 kg. This is the oldest cheese produced in Sicily, probably the oldest in Europe. It is an excellent meal cheese *, especially if eaten fresh or semi-seasoned, the Sicilian DOP Seasoned Pecorino is widely used as a grating cheese, to flavour first courses, but also with bread and olives, fruit and honey which they tend to attenuate the rather spicy flavour. It goes well with red wines, better if full-bodied. *Its solid non-flaky texture makes it easy to enjoy as a snack or nibble, thinly sliced or in cubes as a garnish for salads and sandwiches. SEASONED PECORINO 'STAGIONATO' The seasoning period is carried out in naturally ventilated rooms and is not less than 4 months. The crust is yellowish white in colour and has a wrinkled surface that reflects the modelling of the basket in which it was placed. The paste is hard and compact, white or straw yellow in colour with slight holes. The smell is spicy, fresh and floral; the strong and fruity taste, more markedly spicy for the more mature cheese. Available in 10-12 kg wheel size. FRESH PECORINO DOP PRIMOSALE The Primosale is the starting part of the Pecorino making process. The preparation is carried out in naturally ventilated rooms and is not less than 4 months. The crust is yellowish white in colour and has a wrinkled surface that reflects the modelling of the basket in which it was placed. Available in 10-12 kg wheel size
Sicilia Fredda is proud to offer you the Sicilian Caciotta Cheese in both traditional and smoked versions. The fresh Caciotta is a stretched curd cheese typical of every area of Sicily but is a cheese that is also widespread throughout the South, not only in Sicily. It is considered as one of the oldest cheese ever. Even among a myriad of cheeses, recognizing the Caciotta is really very simple because it has a very particular shape which no other cheese has. It is in fact a pear shape with a small head on the top. This small head is there to ease the hang of the cheese whilst it rests! Its solid non-flaky texture makes it easy to enjoy, including as a snack or nibble, thinly sliced, or in cubes as a garnish for salads and sandwiches but also paired with bread and olives, fruit and honey. It goes well with red wines, better if full-bodied. The crust of fresh Sicilian Caciotta has a very light straw yellow colour. Unlike many other Sicilian cheeses, the rind in this case is soft when cut. The paste inside, of a very pure white, is even softer: it literally melts in your mouth! When tasted, the fresh Caciotta has an extremely sweet, light flavour. It brings back the taste of pure milk! TRADITIONAL CACIOTTA Traditional caciotta cheese ingredients: Cowâ??s milk, salt, rennet. Available in pieces of 550-600 gr each. SMOKED CACIOTTA Smoked caciotta cheese ingredients: Cowâ??s milk, salt, rennet, liquid food smoke. Available in pieces of 550-600 gr each.
Parmesan Cheese.
Stretched cheese Ingredients: whole cow's milk, rennet, salt
Spun cheese Ingredients: whole cow's milk, rennet, salt, external contact with smoked liquid
Spun cheese Ingredients: whole cow's milk, rennet, salt
Spun cheese Ingredients: whole cow's milk, rennet, salt
Spun cheese Ingredients: whole cow's milk, rennet, salt
Stretched cheese Ingredients: whole cow's milk, rennet, salt (and spices like black pepper, red pepper,olives,etc.)
provides consumers with the guarantee of quality. Parmigiano Reggiano, Grana, Pecorino, Gorgonzola, Mozzarella, Stracciatella, Ricotta ecc.. If we are speaking about gastronomic excellence, cheese must be one of the protagonists. we have selected the best cheeses to