Jerusalem olive wood design build by mother of pearl shown as a picture with 260 length 160 w Length 260 cm w 160cm
A book made by olive wood hand craft , put some peices of mother of pearl that show us how jerusalem look like photo Length:260m w:160m wieght:200km
Type of wood: Pine (Pinus sylvestris), Spruce (Picea abies).63 x 100/125/150/175/200 GOST 6782.1-75 50 x 100/125/150/200 GOST 6782.1-75 47 x 100/150/200 GOST 6782.1-75. 44 x 100/125/150/200 GOST 6782.1-75. 32 x 104/129 GOST 6782.1-75. 30 x 100/125 GOST 6782.1-75 25 x 100/125/150/175/200 GOST 6782.1-75 22 x 100/125/150/175/200 GOST 6782.1-75 Or specifications and customer specifications Tolerances, mm: Within 3 + -0 ... up to 300 m. Cu. month