A spice without which Indian cuisine would be incomplete, the most common variety of chilli used apart from red is the green. These are used with or without the stalks, whole or chopped, with seeds or deseeded. They are used fresh, dried, powdered, pickled or in sauces. Not only spicy, there are many benefits of chili for body health, Behind the spicy taste, there are various benefits of chili for health. This benefit can be obtained because chili contains a variety of important nutrients that the body needs. Green Chilli - Overcome nasal congestion - Relieve pain - Increase body immunity - Reducing the risk of heart disease - Prevent cancer - Burn body fat - Extend life 1. Color : Green (95%) 2. homogenity : 96%-98% 3. Size : Lenght 9 - 14cm Center Line 1,3 - 1,7cm 4. Dirt Level : 1 - 5% 5. Rot Rate : 3 - 10%