Fashion Muslim, Prayer Dress, Prayer Robe.
Outdoor wear, outdoor gear, watersport boat and equipment, air tent, daypack bag, dry bag, duffle bag.Manufacturer & exporter
Blanket, stove, towels and any type of foods.Agent for supplying
Flexible packaging materials in reels, converting materials (papers laminated, films laminated), BOPP, CPP, VMCPP, VMPET, nylon, photocopy paper, woodfree paper, tissue paper, tissue laminated paper.
Uniform Textile: Twill 2/1, Twill 3/1, 20 Yarn Platt, 100% Synthetic Polyester, Tc (teteron Cotton), And Cvc Uniform, Suits, Twist Trousers, Batik, Tc, Cotton Shirt.
Woman fashion apparel (blouse, tunic, shirt).
Fashion high quality garment company such as cap, hat, shirt, t shirt, jeans, abaya, wrist watch & sunglasess from teak wood ( handmade, high quality ) etc. We can customize with your own brand, moringa fresh leaves and seed from Indonesia.
Rfd 10's Tc Yarn.
Kain sarung sarong muslim, weaving sarong, bin affan sarong, grey material, rayon fabric, te polyester fabric, muslim wear, lungi, izaar, macawiis, malong, longyi, saroong.Transportation and shipping
Spring mattresses, foam mattresses, blankets, bed sheets, bed linens, mattress pears, mattress backs, mattress tools and mattress equipment..FOB CIF
Macrame Hand Made, Knitted.
Indonesia hotel and home cotton, bed sheet..Export
Embroidery , Custom Embroidery, Customized Patches, Patches, Garment Embroidery.
Custom T-shirt, tote bag, polo shirt.
Yarn & fabric.
Handmade goods like pots or basketwork and wickerwork form wood, rattan, bamboo, coconut coir fiber.
Whole Product Land & Sea Frozen Like Prawns & Shrimps, Black Tiger, Sea White (HOSO,PTO, PUD), Slipper Lobster Flower, Fish Like Ribbon Fish, Pomfert Fish, Spanish Mackerel, Sword Fish, Groper Fish, Squid, Cuttlefish, Octopus, Crabs, Mud Crabs, Processed Products Like - Bluefin Tuna Belly, Tuna Belly, Tuna Sushi Slice, Tuna Kiritoshi, Tuna Cube, Tuna Saku (grade A-AAA), Tuna Cheek, Hoho Niku & Swordfish. HACCP.
Printing hijab, jersey, dress , mukena.
Shampoo, bath wash, hand & body lotion, body colonge, hand soap.Export