Making from teracoota product Dimenions
Making from teracoota product Dimenions
Picture with 100% from banana stem Size 100 cm3
Mask Size 50, 100, 150cm made by al-basiah wooden visit adelliasilver.Com
Material is teak, 1 pcs on top and 1 pcs on bottom, unfinish quality W=100 cm d=45cm h=210cm
French armoire, made by mahogany solid wood W = 125 d = 55 h = 220
Antiques There are more than 200pcs of antique plates, antique porcelains, antique bottles, etc, from kalimantan, Sumatra, and Europe 1 container
Budha statue Gabe craft & gift Kepuh gk iii Yogyakarta - 55222 Diy - indonesia Height : 75-150 cm
Artistic statues
Balinese handmade painting
Tahitian Vanilli, a vanili from Papua Neuw Guinea. If you want buy. Just tell me. Watsup. 082333752292
Chinese antiques.
Real insect craft.
Souvenir of hourglass.
Artistic photo frames.
Antique & antique reproduction furniture.
Ship miniature and other woodcraft for home decoration.