This buff made by cotton, both natural or treated using specific resins. with sewing at the centre. The treated cotton become resistant, cutting and lasting. Suitable use for stainless steel, all metal etc. Applied for manual and automatic(big diameter) polish, bright and mirror finish result.
Applicable for cutting, usually combined with emery powder for hard cutting finish. Suitable for stainless steel, chrome, iron, aluminium.
Example for : tableware etc.
Especially designed for sharp cutting/roughing operation. Suitable use for fast cutting of all metals, stainless steel, iron, and chrome. This type of product also can be used for polish and bright finish shaped.
Example for : drip flap of sinks, cooking tops of stoves, trays specific for cutler, door knob etc.
Especially designed for sharp cutting/roughing operation. Suitable use for fast cutting of all metals, stainless steel, iron, and chrome. This type of product also can be used for pre-polishing and polishing processes. It is recommended when it is necessary to work with a single wheels which does not open out (example: pots edges).
Example for : pots and pans, tableware, tubes and pipes, etc.
Made form wax substance which has difference abrasive powder added to it. Each type of compound will produce difference results, and a spesific function.
Red : Can be used with sisal buff or jean buff for the first step of the polishing process. (Heavy scratches).
Example for: music, stainless steel,