Refurbished diagnostic ultrasound machines, transducers, spares of ultrasound machines & transducers.AMC, CMC of ultrasound machines, repair & service of ultrasound transducers, etc.
Ultrasound gel.
Ultrasound gel.
Ultrasound scanner.
Ultrasound & color dopplers.
Toshiba ultrasound.AMC and repairing of ultrasound and color doppler
Color doppers and ultrasound machine.
Ultrasound scanner.
Ultrasound systems, ultrasound probes, refurbished ultrasound.
Ultrasound scanning machines, ultrasound transducers & ultrasound accessories.
Ultrasound machines.
Ultrasound gel, sterile & non sterile, with or without probe covers.
Ultrasound gel.
Philips iu22.
Ultrasound gel.
Ultrasound gel.
Ultrasound gel.
Ge voluson family products and major ultrasound equipments.
Ultrasound machine.
Refurbished ultrasound machines like GE, Philips, Siemens, Toshiba all major brands, probes & spare parts & refurbished Toshiba CT scan machine.