S-30 sugar is crystal clear and is known to be sweeter and healthier than many other sugar grades.
Polarisation % 99.50 to 99.80%
Moisture % 0.03 to 0.05
ICUMSA Colour (I.U.): 80 - 100
Conductivity Ash% 0.035 Max
Starch % 18.0 to 25
Icumsa: 45 Rbu Icumsa, Attenuation Index Units Method # 10-1978
Polarization At 20: 99.80% Minimum
Moisture : 00.04 % Maximum
Sulphated Ash Content : 00.04 % Maximum So2: 20 Ppm
Granulation : Fine Standard S
Olubility : 100% Dry And Free Flowing
Radiation : Normal W/o Presence Of Cesium Or Iodine So2: Certified
Color : Crystal White
Sediments : None
Smell : Ree Of Any Smell
Magnetic Particles : mg/k4 So : Mg/k 20 Max As : 1 P.p.m. Max Os : 2 P.p.m. Max Cu : 3 P.p.m.
Reducing Sugar : 0.010% Maximum In Dry Mass
Hpn Staph Aureus : per 1 Gram
Nil Microbiological Limits: pathogenic Bacteria Including Salmonella Per 1 Gram Nil Bacillus Per 1 Gram Nil
Substance: solid, Crystal
Pesticide Traces: maximum Mg/kg Basis Ddt 0.005 Photoxin 0.01 Hexachloran Gamma Isomer 0.005
ICUMSA-45 Sugar is a most Highly Refined form of Sugar. It is perpetually in High demand as it is the safest form of Sugar, due to the fact that the refining process by which it is created removes the Bacteria and Contaminants often present in raw sugars.
Setting the standard which other types of sugar are measured against, ICUMSA 45 sugar is the world's leading consumer sugar. A highly refined sugar product, it is easily recognizable by its distinctive sparkling white color and pure sucrose taste.
It is perpetually in high demand as it is the safest form of sugar, due to the fact that the refining process by which it is created removes the bacteria and contaminants often present in raw sugars which can pose a threat to human health.
1) Brown Sugar
a) Icumsa - 600-1200 Grade
b) Polarization - 95.00%Min
c) Ash Content - 0.09%Max
d) Moisture - 0.09% Max
e) Colour - Brown
f) Granulation Fine
2) White Sugar
a) Icumsa - 600-1200 Grade
b) Polarization - 95.00%Min
c) Ash Content - 0.09%Max
d) Moisture - 0.09% Max
e) Colour - Brown
f) Granulation Fine
g) So2 -20PPM
Cane Sugar is the highest form of natural sugar made from the fresh extract of sugar cane juice. It is made by evaporating the sugar cane juice in a natural method that would allow the product to retain the complete flavor of sugar.