We are the leading suppliers and exporter of stainless steel square pipe one of the efficient organizations in developing exclusive we provide material with test certificate, we can give best price for the material. We provide material in 304,304l,316,316l,310 and verious other grades if you have any requirement for square pipes please feel free to contact us.
We are the leading suppliers and exporter of stainless steel pipe one of the efficient organizations in developing exclusive we provide material with test certificate, we can give best price for the material. We provide material in 304,304l,316,316l,310 and verious other grades if you have any requirement for pipes please feel free to contact us.
TP 310, Stainless steel 310 is a combination, of good strength and corrosion, resistance in temperatures up to, 1149°C (2100°F). The high, chromium and nickel contents, give the steel excellent oxidation, resistance. 310 is also very ductile,, and has good weldability, enabling its widespread usage in, many applications. Stainless steel, 310S contains less carbon than, 310 to minimize carbide, precipitation.
Type 310S may be, used in atmospheres containing, moderate amounts of sulfur, because of high chromium and, medium nickel contents. It is not, usually recommended for liquid, quenching., Main Application: paper, production plant, heat recuperator, tubing, combustion chambers,, molten salt applications, thermo, wells, equipment to handle, sulfite liquors and gas turbines,, furnace parts, oil burner parts,, welding filler wire and electrodes.
TP 316 TP 316Ti, Stainless steel 316 is an austenitic, grade second only to 304 in, commercial importance. Type 316, contains molybdenum that gives, it improved corrosion resistance,, increased strength at elevated, temperatures and resistance to, pitting from chloride ion solutions., It has good resistance to oxidation, up to 900°C (1650°F). Type 316, has variety of uses especially in, marine applications due to the, materials high corrosion resistance., Type 316H has carbon content, between 0.04% - 0.10%.
This, makes the steel more suitable for, use in applications where elevated, temperatures are present. 316H, is sometimes used for structural, and pressure containing, applications at temperatures, above about 500°C (900°F)., Type 316L has the same,
TP 304, Stainless steel 304 is an, austenitic grade that can be, severely deep drawn. This, property has resulted in 304, being the dominant grade used, in applications like sinks and, saucepans.
Type 304L is, probably the world’s most, common stainless steel. The L, stands for Low and refers to the, carbon content. 0.035% is the, maximum allowable carbon, content in 304L. Low carbon, content ensures better ductility, and avoids the intergranular, corrosion. Type 304H is austenitic, chromium-nickel steel alloy with, high carbon content, which, delivers increased, tensile and, yield strength.
The H in 304H, stands for High carbon content., 304H must contain carbon, between 0.04% - 0.10%., It is used where elevated, temperatures are present., Main Application: pressure vessels,, oil refining, heat exchangers,, pipelines and condensers,, chemical equipment, brewery,, dairy, food and pharmaceutical, production equipment.
Stainless Steel Round Pipe which are available in varying thicknesses and tolerances. Our range is widely used in various industries such as chemicals dyeing, sugar and other industries across the globe. Dev metal industries manufacturers and exporters also meet customized requirement. We offered you in numerous grades like astm sa 240 304, 304l, 309, 310, 316, 317, 321, 409, 410 in all schedule and thickness. As leading stainless steel plates manufacturer and exporter, we have been expaned our market network thoughout the world so that our products have been reached in the overseas marketplace.