TP 304, Stainless steel 304 is an, austenitic grade that can be, severely deep drawn. This, property has resulted in 304, being the dominant grade used, in applications like sinks and, saucepans.
Type 304L is, probably the world’s most, common stainless steel. The L, stands for Low and refers to the, carbon content. 0.035% is the, maximum allowable carbon, content in 304L. Low carbon, content ensures better ductility, and avoids the intergranular, corrosion. Type 304H is austenitic, chromium-nickel steel alloy with, high carbon content, which, delivers increased, tensile and, yield strength.
The H in 304H, stands for High carbon content., 304H must contain carbon, between 0.04% - 0.10%., It is used where elevated, temperatures are present., Main Application: pressure vessels,, oil refining, heat exchangers,, pipelines and condensers,, chemical equipment, brewery,, dairy, food and pharmaceutical, production equipment.