Cannadian / USA blueberry is juicy, and has a firm texture and refreshing, tangy and elegant sweet taste. Nutrition Fact A great source of Vitamin A, B-complex, C & E, Flavonoids, Potassium, Manganese, and Copper. Health Benefits - Rich in antioxidants - Reduces fats especially belly area and cardiovascular diseases - Promotes urinary tract health - Prevents macular (eye muscle) degeneration in aging - Increases immunity and harmful free radicals - Helps in bone metabolism and blood cell production - Regulates heart rate and blood pressure
Calories: 57 kcal Carbohydrate: 14.5 g Fiber: 2.4 g Sugar: 10 g Fat: 0.3 g Protein: 0.7 g Vitamin K: 24% RDA Manganese: 17% RDA Vitamin C: 16% RDA Vitamin B6: 3% RDA Vitamin E: 3% RDA
Freeze Dried American Blueberry
Age All Individual specifications 10 kgs Shelf life 24 months Certification ISO;HACCP Storage conditions