Crude protein: 44-48% min
Fat : 7 -10 % max
Phosphorus: 4-5% min
Calcium: 9-12% max
Lysine: 3.5% min
Cystine: 0.4%min
Methionine: 1.1%min
Moisture: 10% max
Bacteria- ecoli nil
Salmonella normal ratio.
We are going to establish abattoir for goat & sheep in west bengal, india.
Prior that we are seeking marketing partner for 1. Goat & sheep meat
2. Goat & sheep skin
3. Goat & sheep horns & hoof for mbm
If you are interested for any of the three catagory to work as our marketing counterpart/partner please email us to
Goat meat
Sheep meat, skin, meat & bone meal
We are please to inform all concerned that we are engaged in goat and sheep farming in large scale with near about 1.50 lakhs breedable animals capable to produce about 3 lakhs slaughterable animals per year.Now we are going to establish modernized slaughter house for goat and sheep.We are presently seeking marketing partners / counterparts for
Goat & sheep meat
Goat and sheep skin
Bone, horn and hoof for mbm productionwith best regardsascon agro products exporters and builders pvt. Ltd
Canned meat is produced from thoroughly trimmed fore-quarter & hind-quarter cuts and has appealing pinkish red colour, pleasent flavour & charactaristics of Corned Meat.
The allana group has added another first to its credit and established modern , state-of-the art rendering plants, interconnected to each of its integrated abattoirs and meat processing complexes, for the manufacture of high quality sterilized meat & bone meal, utilizing fresh chilled raw materials derived from healthy livestock
Size of the pack-International Standard Ctn and size of Egg 50 to 55 M. M.
2. Brown or white egg both of colour.
3. Shipment By Sea (20 or 40 ft container) . Jebel Ali or Rashed Port Dubai.
4. Refer Container. Pallet or container loading better one.
5. One master Ctn packing 12 Tray.
6. One tray coming 30 pcs.
7. Total 30 pcs x 12 tray =360 pcs. Coming one master ctn.
Size of the pack-International Standard Ctn and size of Egg 50 to 55 M. M.
2. Brown or white egg both of colour.
3. Shipment By Sea (20 or 40 ft container) . Jebel Ali or Rashed Port Dubai.
4. Refer Container. Pallet or container loading better one.
5. One master Ctn packing 12 Tray.
6. One tray coming 30 pcs.
7. Total 30 pcs x 12 tray =360 pcs. Coming one master ctn.