Guar gum powder, guar gum korma , churi , dextrin.
Sub: Guar Gum Powder for Fabric Printing It is indeed pleasure to introduce ourselves as a reputed manufacturers and exporters of Guar Gum Powder for various applications. We have more than five decades old company in manufacturing textile/fabric printing gum thickener. Now, we are introducing textile printing thickener to your esteemed organisation for the above application. We offer thickeners for textile printing /fabric printing based on Guar Gum, Tamarind, sesbania and tapioca starch for different type of dyes, fabrics and textile printing applications. We earnestly hope, the offered gums are find applications in your Organisation and shall feel thankful to you if your requirements are advised to us. We produce White guar gum, Yellow guar gum powder(TX) , Sesbania powder, Cold water soluble TKP and AGBV. 25 kgs paper bags and 50 kgs hdpe bags
Botanical Name - Nardostachys jatamansi Category - Medicinal Form - Dry Part Used - Roots, Rhizomes General Information - Nardostachys jatamansi DC. is an endangered, primitive and therapeutic herbal agent belonging to family Valerianaceae. The rhizomes of this hairy, perennial, dwarf and herbaceous plant are used for therapeutic effect in ayurvedic and unani system of medicine. Nardostachys jatamansi has been reported to have many therapeutic activities like antifungal, antimicrobial, antioxidant, hepatoprotective and cardio protective properties. It is used in the treatment of insomnia and CNS disorders. The vasodilator, bronchodilator, spasmolytic and platelet aggregation inhibition activities of the plant have also been reported. Jatamansone, nardostachone and actinidine are the major secondary metabolites present in the plant. Phytochemicals - Nardostachys jatamansi consist of chemical constituents Alpha-patchoulenese, angelicin, beta-eudesemol, beta-patchoulenese, beta-sitosterol, calarene, calarenol, elemol, jatamansin, jatamansinol, jatamansone, n-hexacosane, n-hexacosanol, n-hexacosanyl arachidate, n-hexacosanyl isolverate, nardol, nardostechone, norsechelanone, oroselol, patchouli alcohol, seychelane, seychellene, valeranal, valeranone. Volatile essential oil, resins, sugar, starch, bitter extractive matter, gum, ketone, sesqueterpin ketone, spirojatamol etc. Other sesquiterpenes include nardin, nardal, jatamnsic acid, b-maline and patchouli alcohol.
Botanical Name - Glycyrrhiza glabra Category - Medicinal Form - Dry Part Used - Root General Information - Glycyrrhiza is derived from the ancient Greek term glykos, meaning sweet, and rhiza, meaning root. Glycyrrhiza glabra is known as mulaithi in north India. Glycyrrhiza glabra, also known as licorice and sweet wood, is native to the Mediterranean and certain areas of Asia. A number of traditional healers have claimed the efficacy of Glycyrrhiza species for a variety of pathological conditions as a diuretic, choleretic, used as insecticide, and indicated in traditional medicine for coughs, colds, and painful swellings . The roots are unearthed in the autumn of the fourth season. It is grown in India, Spain, Iran, Russia, China and Italy. Phytochemicals - A number of components have been isolated from the roots of Glycyrrhiza glabra, including a water-soluble, biologically active complex that accounts for 40-50% of total dry material weight. This complex is composed of triterpene, saponin, flavonoids, polysaccharides, pectins, simple sugars, amino acids, mineral salts, asparagines, bitters, essential oil, fat, female hormone estrogen, gums, mucilage (rhizome), protein, resins, starches, sterols, volatile oils, tannins, glycosides, and various other substances. Glycyrrhizin, a triterpenoid compound, accounts for the sweet taste of licorice root. This compound represents a mixture of potassium-calcium-magnesium salts of glycyrrhizic acid that varies within a 2-25% range. Among the natural saponin, glycyrrhizic acid is a molecule composed of a hydrophilic part, two molecules of glucuronic acid, and a hydrophobic fragment, glycyrrhetic acid. The yellow color of licorice is due to the flavonoid content of the plant, which includes liquiritin, isoliquiritin (a chalcone) and other compounds. The isoflavones, glabridin and hispaglabridins A and B have significant antioxidant activity and both glabridin and glabrene possess estrogen-like activity.
Cereals, Pulses, Nuts, Oil Seeds, Sugar And Starch, Fiber Crops, Beverages, Spices And Condiments, Rubber Forages, Green And Green Leaf Manure, Fruits, Vegetables, Food Crops, Rabi Crops, Kharif Crops, Zaid Crops.
Common Name : Shankhpushpi Other Name : English Speedwheel, Laghuvishnukranta. Botanical Name : Convolvulus Pluricaulis Choisy Plant Family : Convolvulaceae Synonyms : S Esamum Orientale Linn Part Used : Dried Whole Plant Powder. Overview : Convolvulus Pluricaulis Is An Indigenous Plant Commonly Mentioned In Ayurveda, As A Rasayana Which Is Mainly Advocated For Use In Mental Stimulation And Rejuvenation Therapy The chemical constituents in Shankhpushpi consist of carbohydrate-D-glucose, rhamnose, maltose, sucrose and starch. It also contains proteins, amino acids and the alkaloids-convolvine, convolamine, confoline, phyllabine, convolidine, convoline, convosine, subhirsine and convolvidine along with fatty acid and wax constituents, hydrocarbons, aliphatic and sterol and certain other bio-chemicals which include scopoletin, glacial acetic acid, three coumarins, �²-sitosterol, kaempferol, tropane alkaloids, linoleic acid, palmitic acid and straight chain hydrocarbon hextriacontane, 20-oxodotriacontanol, tetratriacontanoic acid and 29- oxodotriacontanol.
Guar Gum Powder is has wide applications like: 1. Guar gum has reasonably more thickening property as compared to corn starch. 2. Holds back the growth of ice crystal 3. Guar is draught resistant plant 4. Guar gum forms gel in water Guar Gum Powder is used widely in Oil Drilling Industry & Food Beverage Industry. Available in 100 mesh to 300 mesh 2500 cps to 7000 cps
Jalani Gulal is formulated from pure and herbal ingredients that are available in various color and fragrances. We are making a premium quality ingredient that does not affect the skin. These are eco-friendly colors and extremely safe to use, they are smooth and silky as well. Jalani Gulal is provided with that extra glitter which adds to the celebration of any color. Jalani Gulal available in unadulterated form as well as eye-catching colors, which bring the clients who highly appreciated us worldwide. The rising awareness of the ill effects of these colors has brought us back to the era where colors are referable prepared at home and are not only fragrant and safe but also therapeutic in many ways. Today, people like to use eco-friendly powders that are actually the natural integrate like starch powder.